S N Rao
The forth coming year 2011 can be judged from the Republic Day chart given here:
Currently Rahu maha dasha and Mars antar dasha is going on and it is likely to end by June 2011. Rahu’s presence in the 1st house with Moon will cause chaos and confusion in the minds of the general public. People in general will be selfish and materialistic looking after their own selves showing no or little concern to others in distress. They are likely to take pleasure / be critical of the system rather than take interest and act to eradicate the injustice. Rahu – Mars combination is an indication for violence and much physical activity. There will be a lot more focus on areas where action and physical energy is required.
Rahu is in the constellation and sub ruled by Mercury which means that there will be confusion in the field of communication. The Telecom sector is controlled by Mercury which is currently involved in one of the biggest scams in the history of India. The scam came in to light during this period. Mercury is the karaka (significator) for intelligent research activities in our country. During the next 6 months we can see some remarkable inventions especially in the field of technology, automobiles, electronics and telecommunication.
Mars in the constellation ruled by Moon and in the sub of Saturn will see a lot of increase in inflation. The prices of commodities all across the spectrum will increase thereby making the common man feel the pinch. Rise in prices will be difficult for the government to control. Moon also happens to be the lord of the 5th house indicating general public. This period could see the common man suffer from the financial point of view. Banking sector could see volatility in the next few months with increase in the lending and borrowing rates. The hike in interest rates is likely to dampen the spirits of the common man.
Transit Saturn is in Virgo and will remain there till Nov 2011. Saturn is the karaka for justice and punishment. It’s placement in the 7th house creates a situation where all the partnerships and transactions made unlawfully will come out in the open in the form of scams. It is no wonder that some of the biggest scams have come out in the open during the past year. Due to these scams the trustworthy partner’s have switched sides and the guilty have been brought forward into the open public by the media. Its transit to Libra in the 8th house from Nov 2011 will bring relief to farmers and agriculture sector in general. However the mortality rate of the country is likely to grow.
Jupiter Maha Dasha will begin from the 2nd half of the year indicating major changes and new events. Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 1st house and the 10th house indicating that major policies and decisions would be taken by the ruling government which will affect the common man drastically. A new strategy and direction to move forward is likely to be taken which will be radically different from the old & existing policies, rules and regulations.
Jupiter happens to occupy the 11th house. Although it is debilitated & weak in the D1 chart, it gains its strength by being placed in Gemini Navamsha. Jupiter is the karaka for growth and expansion. Mercury’s placement in the 10th house indicates radical decisions being taken by the government for the betterment of the country. It’s placement in Gemini Navamsha will also signify tremendous gains in the field of infrastructure, telecommunications, Service sector and Manufacturing.
Jupiter is the karaka for religious and judicial activities. It’s placement in the constellation of Moon and the sub of Mercury will give sattvic influence on the mind of the common man. Corruption is likely to decrease and the positive influence of Jupiter is likely to increase religious activities in the county. Judiciary will gain prominence and get additional powers to execute their decisions quickly. Rules and regulations are likely to change for the better and efficient running of the system. Education system is likely to see a major change in the future which will increase the general intelligence of the common man. Existing methodologies for education will be in for a revamp.
Transit Jupiter is in Pisces in the 1st house and will remain there till May 2011. This period is likely to give rise to major focus on growth in the country. This will be more evident from the budget for the next financial year which will focus more on the growth of the country by bring forward plans to implement them. However this period is likely to make the stock markets volatile. Its transit to Aries in the 2nd house after May will mean gains to the industrial sector. National Exchequer, Revenue and monetary situation of the country will improve. Trading with other countries will increase. Stock Market could see touching new heights. Finance sector will benefit the most. Justice and Judicial persons will gain prominence and will command authority.
Creativity and new initiatives / projects will be popular and will benefit in the next year. New non-profit / Non government organisation will crop up. There will be increase in awareness for environmental concerns. New products and technological innovations are likely to be seen which will be environmentally friendly. Society and the general public will try to create more awareness for these problems. Spirituality and religious activities will increase. Religious gurus are likely to gain prominence both within and outside the government.
Technology is likely to receive a boost in the automobile sector in the 1st half of the year. New products are likely to be introduced with viable alternatives. There will be some sort of breakthrough in technology for Robotics / automation. Rahu’s presence in the 1st house also could give scams in pharmaceutical sector / medical field. This could also give rise to increase in activities for invention in medical science by providing cures to some of the existing incurable diseases.
The 2nd half of the year could see an increase in the field of employment. There will be a surge in opportunities and the deserving man could see multiple opportunities to grow in his career. There will be increase in spending. Travel industry will be revived and there will be increase in tourism and recreation activities. The common man depending for livelihood on these incomes will benefit. There is likely to be some major changes in the insurance / banking sectors which will be beneficial to the common man.
The Real estate sector will be benefitted in the 1st half and there will be an increase in tempo in the 2nd half of the year. There will be many new projects all across the country which will spiral the growth of this sector. The prices of land, property and houses will be on the rise throughout the year. There will be additional focus on interiors and all consumer items related to house / construction. These sectors will be in demand and will continue to prosper throughout the year.
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