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Effect of Rahu Transit on Various Ascendants

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Thu 14 Feb 2013 5:04:01 PM

rahu transit, 2013, astrology
By Acharya Raman

Mean Rahu transited to Libra on 23rd December and true Rahu on 15th January. The transit of Rahu-Ketu is always giving results to the native and in mundane matters, positive or negative. Libra has constellations of Mars ,Rahu, Jupiter and Rahu is in Vishakha presently .The general predictions for all the 12 ascendants are applicable only if one is running through Dasha, Antar or Bhukti of Rahu/Jupiter or the present DBA Lords are in Rahu`s star. Some people take aspects or Rahu-Ketu, some don’t. The transit remains for 18 months roughly.

Aries in 2013 Aries: If any of the above is applicable on you; then, since Rahu–Ketu axis is falling on 7-1 and Jupiter Lord of 12th and 9th is in 2nd house, there will be unnecessary arguments with people around you like friends, partners, spouse. The atmosphere at home will be disturbed. Expenses will be more. Problem of headache, irritation will come. Already Aries are hot headed people and this transit will make them more quarrelsome. You might take up long distance journeys and will bear undue expenses. Rahu is in conjunction with Saturn, which is worst over worst (Karela Aur Neem Chadha :P). Saturn is Badhaka for Aries and is also Lord of income house and Lord of career house. Works will be hindered and some natives will have new girlfriends and some married people can enter into extramarital affair also.

On 31st May Jupiter will come to third house and will be aspecting both Saturn and Rahu and also 9th house (own Rashi) and 11th house. It will be a good period as being 12th lord also and 9th lord it is a good position to be in third house. Those who are in media of any sort or mass communications will gain most. Some native`s will be getting married and some will be finalizing it. This time will slowly ease off the pains and there will be general happiness on the work front.

When Rahu will change its star then I will write more.

Taurus: If any of the above is applicable on you; then, since Rahu-Ketu axis is falling on 6-12 axis and Jupiter Lord of 8th and 11th is posited in ascendant you must be feeling pressure due to hidden enemies, servants or pets. Thoughts of changing the job are also running in subconscious and are not materializing. Peace at work place is not satisfactory. You are willing to take revenge and do something about your misfortunes but are not able to do so. Decision making process is hampered and things are getting delayed. Business people are seeing profits delayed. Something is boiling inside you and is about to explode. Your tolerance is at test, better don’t lose it.

Soon problems at home will also start. Things will be better after Jupiter will change to 2nd house. But not much peace is expected as for Venus signs Jupiter is not Yoga-Karak and Saturn is falling on Rahu–Ketu axis. This year will be not so good for professional front. Problems of stomach will start. Food taste will also not remain so good though things will be same. Your view will change. Monetary front will be tight this year throughout. Luck will not be favoring in general this year.

gemini in 2013 Gemini: Jupiter is in 12th, Lord of 7th and 10th, Rahu – Ketu axis is falling on 5-11 and Saturn is joining Rahu for making things worse or better depending upon the individual horoscope.

Saturn is in Rahu’s star. 5th house will be going to be most affected. 5th Lord Venus is in 8th house and today it is of 6 degrees only and with 3rd Lord Sun.

Gemini ascendant people should not make high investments and should avoid betting and lottery like things. Pregnancy should be taken with utmost care. Take good care of off-springs.

Personal life is haywire already and will further deteriorate till 31st May. After that all the things will be rectified to some limit when Jupiter will come in ascendant and aspect 5, 7 and 9 of you. Work place will also become better and concentration will also improve.

cancer in 2013 Cancer: Saturn, the most malefic for Cancer is transiting with Rahu in Rahu`s star and both are worst enemies of Moon, your ascendant Lord. Jupiter, the savior is in 11th house and in star of Moon. Rahu-Ketu axis is falling on 4-10. Matters related to property, health of mother and education will all suffer equally and work place will be affected. There could be loss of job, change of job or skirmishes at work place. Yogakarak Mars is transiting in 8th house to make things bitter.

After Jupiter’s transit to 12th house some things will improve and some will further worsen.

IMHO Cancer is an ascendant worth avoiding along with Aquarius.

leo in 2013 Leo: For Leo, the MT of Saturn falls in 7th house, thus Saturn is not so bad for Leo. Also, Rahu is supposed to be good in 3, 6, 10 and 11. In 10th, it is very good. So, Leos are not going to be much affected as this Rahu-Ketu is falling on 3-9 axis. Many of you might go to Kumbh Snaan and many will travel long distances and short distances and some will meet with accidents, fire injuries, theft and health of father may suddenly give problems. On 31st May, Jupiter will come to 11th house. Jupiter is Lord of 5th and 8th but gives 5th house results more prominently as its MT sign falls on 5th house. It will aspect 5th house, 3rd house and 7th house and will be aspecting Saturn and Rahu both. Thus, it will be correcting to a large extent than the damages done before. Finances will be improving and will be overall a better period.

virgo in 2013 Virgo: 2, 5, 6 and 9 will be getting the most affected. Mostly 2nd house speculation must be avoided or should be done with extreme precaution. Some major financial losses can happen and also you can meet with some undiagnosed diseases. Take control on your behavior on others and use good words, be gentle respectful. Try to earn respect rather than money. Trust people but not blindly. Recite Vishnu Sahastranaam regularly. Beware of dogbite, food-poisoning and property related matters will be delayed or could be denied also. In general all gains will be hampered.

Libra in 2013 Libra: Many of you will be breaking marriage this year and filing cases for money from husband. Your lawyers will not be giving you desired results. Job change is also there. Money situations are going to be tight. You will have to work harder and clashes at workplace will also come up. Some hidden disease (not easily diagnosable) can hit you, be cautious. Keep a control over head and perform Yoga. Go for morning walks and avoid large groups of people.

Scorpio in 2013 Scorpio: Romance seems to be in the air and thoughts of marriage, union, reunion etc. seem to be popping up. Luck will not favor much. Long distance travels and pilgrimages are possible. You can gain from speculating but do not invest large amounts. People having related DBA can have foreign travel also. The other half of the year is going to be disappointing. Ongoing illness can prolong for no reason at all and bad news can also come in the family.

Sagittarius in 2013 Sagittarius: Things will be getting better from the next half. Present transit is not favorable. Simply wait and let time pass by.

Capricorn in 2013 Aquarius in 2013 Capricorn - Aquarius: This year will be largely beneficial.

Pisces in 2013 Pisces: Rahu is transiting in 8th house with Saturn and is aspected by LL Jupiter. There will be sudden losses and for some it could be unbearable. Some will have to struggle with sudden ailments of lower abdomen parts and some will be having breakups in relations. There can be accidents of lower magnitude. Workplace will not be giving happiness and so will home. Kids also will become the cause of tensions and troubles. Some of you will be cheated by known persons like relatives.

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