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Rasi Phalalu 2018

Author: -- | Last Updated: Mon 25 Dec 2017 6:00:52 PM

AstroCAMP welcomes you to read Rasi Phalalu 2018 with a predicted narrative about how the upcoming new year will treat you and people around you. The main objective of this Rasi Phalalu in Telugu is to provide the natives of different moon signs a specific perspective about how their life and its multiple aspects will turn out in the year 2018. Read whether or not you’ll get that impending promotion, or how your business ventures will turn out, or how well your love, family and family life will be through Telugu Rasi Phalalu 2018. Also, find out the remedies which need to be followed in order to resolve the disputes or even stay prepared beforehand.

Go through predictions mentioned here in Rasi Phalalu 2018 and follow the remedies to attain success, good health, prosperity and satisfaction.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Mesha

As per Rasi Phalalu in Telugu for the year 2018, the new year begins on a hopeful note for Mesha. You may benefit and gain from your contacts. Mesha may expect more responsibilities and new projects at work place. Health will not be a cause for concern, you may enjoy good health for most part of the year. Some minor health issues may be experienced because of Rahu placed in the house of home comforts. You may expect some mixed results regarding income and expenditure during the middle of the year. Jupiter may give good results during the September-October period. Family life will be fruitful and blissful and you may participate in religious functions or even plan for yatras. You may progress well in your career by the end of the year and your efforts may bear fruit. Serve, honour and respect your parents for blessings. It will give beneficial results for career and personal growth.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Vrusha

As per Vrusha Rasi Phalalu 2018 seems to be mixed bag. You may realise that money isn’t everything, and you may stand to gain by this attitude. You may progress well during the year with proper planning and thought process before taking any decision. Finances may fluctuate, so you may have make extra efforts for more earnings. You may also have be careful about maintaining good health . Some problems regarding poor digestion or eating disorders may surface.You may find good success and your efforts may pay off well after the first quarter of the year ,in your profession. There may be some differences of opinion within the family. Handle such issues with tact. Care should be exercised during travelling, forging new deals, or investments which promise very quick gains. October onwards things may be favourable and look bright as per Telugu Rasi Phalalu. Things may work your way. You may crack deals and reap good rewards. Extra efforts may pay off well. Relationships within the family may improve and happiness and peace will reign. Worship Hanumanji for benediction.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Mithuna

As per Mithuna Rasi Phalalu 2018, you need a bit of restraint in speech during the beginning of the year, especially during the first quarter of the new year. It will add more charm to your personality and help maintain cordial relationships. Be careful in financial dealings, though Mars will be helpful in maintaining good finances. Some minor health issues may be experienced, but overall health may be ok. April may bring good tidings and auspicious ceremonies may be fixed in the family. Travel may be on cards for some Mithuna during the middle of the year. Maintaining secrecy about future plans and ideas may be a wise decision. Things may work according to your expectations at your workplace during September-October period. You may find a chance to display your skills and abilities and impress your seniors at your workplace. Most projects may be successfully completed as the year draws to a close. Eligible unmarried people may find a right match and get married during the year end. Overall, a good year for success and accomplishments. Feeding orphans will give positive results.

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Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Kataka

The new year may bring good news on a personal level as per Kataka Rasi Phalalu 2018. There is a possibility of some differences of opinion with your near and dear ones which may lead to wastage of time and money. Health may be expected to be good if care is exercised to avoid binge eating and consuming healthy diet. Mars may help in financial gains and your efforts may pay off well during the April-May period. Don’t trust people blindly,especially in money matters. Students may find this period favourable for higher studies. Social status may see a upswing. Travel may be on cards during the middle of the year. New avenues in career and jobs may open up for Kataka natives and bring cheer during the August-September period. Familial relationships may be cheerful and blissful. Anger and mood swings should be handled with proper self retrospection, in order to avoid misunderstanding and unpleasantness. New undertakings should avoided during the year end. Worship of Goddess Bhagavathi will be beneficial.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Simha

Simha natives may find success in their ventures in the first quarter of the new year as per Simha Rasi Phalalu 2018. Gains and rewards may be expected. You need to exercise constraint in order to achieve the perfect balance and strike the right chord – the mantra for success. Some ups and downs may be expected in the middle of the year ,but financial gains may be good. Health issues of elders may need your attention. Simha natives need to be careful about abdominal or stomach related health issues. For Simha natives, being in the right place at the right time ,may bring good opportunities and open up the right avenues for career in the middle of the year. Students may get the right opportunities for higher education and for travelling abroad for higher studies. Avoid taking loans from relatives. The environment at work place is expected to be cordial. Seniors will be impressed by your performance. You may reap rewards for your work and find success in your ventures. You may be able to make optimum gains out of the available opportunities. Familial relationships will be cheerful and happy. Some ups and downs in love life may be expected. New employment opportunities may be around the corner during September-October period. Overall a good year. Take care during travelling at the end of the year. Abhishek of SHIVALINGA with water and milk on Mondays will give good results.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Kanya

Kanya natives may need to a lot of multitasking in the beginning at the year according to Kanya Rasi Phalalu 2018 astrology predictions. You may have to pay attention to many things at a time. Working natives may get challenging assignments at work. You may have to spend more time and energy for your completing your tasks. Financial growth will be good during the first quarter of the new year. Health should be take care of properly since Saturn’s aspect may cause some concern over health issues. Routine life may be affected. Jupiter may give a smooth and sweet tongue, which may help you to win over people and circumstances. Be careful of commitments. You may have to face false allegations. Students may face some hurdles in studies. They may have to work harder. Legal issues may be sorted out and delayed issues may be answered in the middle of the year. Finances seem good and friends may be supportive and helpful. Your determination and efforts will give good results. Some mental distress may be expected due to the behavior of near and dear ones as per Telugu Astrology predictions. Be careful in financial transactions. Things will work your way at the end of the year. Offer Arghya of water to the rising Sun everyday.

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Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Tula

The new year may start on a mixed note due to transits of planets as per Tula Rasi Phalalu 2018. Doing your duty well may work wonders for you. There are some indications of expenditure on small things. Avoid monetary transactions within friends circle. Pay attention to family matters. Things will progress according to your expectations in April. Tula natives may enjoy good health during the year but may be subjected to some mood swings. ‘Actions speak better than words’, this adage fits you most for financial and monetary gains during the middle of the year. Some unexpected expenditures may arise. As per Telugu Astrology predictions for 2018, positive thinking may give a boost to your efforts. Students may expect good results for their efforts. You may do well on the professional front during August-September period. An auspicious ceremony may be on cards. Familial relationships may be smoother if unnecessary arguments over trivial matters are avoided. As the year draws to a close, Tula natives may have much to do on their hands and may have a busy schedule and may have to put in some extra efforts for achievements. Doing Hanuman Ji Upasana may be beneficial.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for VRUSHCHIKA

in regard with Telugu astrology predictions for Vrushchika, visiting places of worship and spiritual inclinations may be of interest. You may be able to realise your goals by performing your prescribed duties with zeal. Elders may need attention in health matters. Vrushchika natives need to be careful about their health, especially oral health and some common health problems. You may have to face some financial problems during the first quarter of the year. Conditions may improve around the middle of the year. It would be better to stick to set rules. Expenditure on family may increase. Advice of elders may be beneficial for launching new projects. Finances may increase and things may work according to your expectations during September-October period. Take care not to hurt the sentiments of others during the last quarter of the year. Honour and respect elders. Their blessings may bring good luck.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Dhanusu

Planetary positions seem favourable for finances and success in your ventures as per Dhanusu Rasi Phalalu 2018. You may be successful in creating a good impression at work. You may expect good financial gains during the first quarter of the year. You may be able to strike the right balance in your professional life. Pending work may be successfully completed. Saturn may push you to work harder. As per Rasi Phalalu 2018 in Telugu, you may work hard during the middle of the year in order to reach your set goals. Students may do well in studies. Family life will be harmonious. Health of elders in the family may cause concern. Unnecessary expenditure should be avoided September-October period. You may make new acquaintances and seem to go your way. Take proper care while driving. Travel may be on cards during the year end. Health should be maintained well throughout the year. Overall a good year for you.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Makara

Referring to Makara Rasi Phalalu 2018, natives have be careful about maintain their poise from the beginning of the new year. Expenditure may increase. Concentrate on your work and on maintaining good health in the beginning of the year. You may have to pay extra attention to both home and your profession. Be careful before you place complete faith in colleagues and acquaintances. Finances may improve by the second quarter of the new year. Things may improve at work place and move at a steady pace during the middle of the year. Work according to instructions of seniors. Students may focus better on adding more qualifications. Take proper care of your health. Differences of opinion should be handled with tact. Eligible Makara natives may find their proper match for matrimony. Married people may experience harmony and better bonding with their partners. The year may end on a happy note. A good year for self-retrospection.

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Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Kumbha

According to astrology predictions in Telugu, natives may receive some good news at the beginning of the new year as per Kumbha Rasi Phalalu 2018, which may bring cheer. Long journeys may be expected in the first quarter of the new year. Rise in income may boost your self-confidence. You may start working on new projects. Family life will be peaceful. Pending issues may be sorted out. Health will be good except for some minor problems. Social status may rise you may find mental satisfaction and happiness during the middle of the year. Students may have to put in extra efforts in their studies. Advice of seniors may be helpful. Those in love relationships may find them more demanding. Finances may need attention. Both sweet and sour incidents may be experienced during the year end. Overall a good and an inspiring year for you.


Rasi Phalalu 2018 for Meena

You may meet some important elite people in the beginning of the year according to Meena Rasi Phalalu 2018. You may accept new challenges at workplace. Health should be taken care of well in order to avoid further complications. Proper diet regime should be followed. Work pressure may increase. Those eligible for marriage may find suitable partners. Students may have to pay more attention towards their performance in studies. Conjugal life seems good. The middle of the year may see both pleasant and unpleasant incidents as per Rasi Phalalu 2018 predictions in Telugu. Finances will be satisfactory. Things may work according to your wishes . Don’t take hasty decisions. Think over twice before taking any decision. You may meet people who ,may bring happiness in your life during the last quarter of the year and this period may bring positivity in life on all fronts. Financial gains may bring cheer.

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