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Saturn Transit 2015 Horoscope - Saturn Transit 2015 Astrology

Author: Pt. Hanumman Mishra | Last Updated: Tue 6 Jan 2015 5:50:55 PM

November 2, 2014 is the date when Shani Dev transited into Scorpio from Libra. This transit will definitely bring changes in your life, be it good or against you. Read Saturn 2015 horoscope and discover your coming life with Pt. Hanumman Mishra .

Planet Saturn is transiting from zodiac sign Libra to Scorpio on November 2, 2014. What effects this Saturn transit will produce on your zodiac sign? We will discuss all this through Saturn transit in Scorpio horoscope 2015, but first let’s discuss some general things about planet Saturn.

There are numerous concepts listed in our traditional books about the planet Saturn. Saturn is believed to be the son of Lord Sun . But, at the same time, Saturn is also considered as the enemy of its father i.e. Lord Sun. It is said that if in someone’s birth chart, Sun is under the influence of Saturn, the native lacks happiness related to his/her father.

Many false illusions (myths) are related to planet Saturn. That’s why Saturn is believed to be deadly, inauspicious and an element of sorrow. But, in reality, Saturn is not that inauspicious and deadly as it is believed to be. Infact, Saturn is the planet that creates a balance in nature and does justice to everyone.

Saturn gives sufferings only to those who give refuge to rudeness, unnaturalness and injustice. Therefore, it is suggested not to degrade the reputation of planet Saturn, otherwise it will definitely punish those who unnecessarily harm its reputation. Although, we know that those who are involved in thuggery by the name of Saturn, will not improve even after this. However, they will get the results of their deeds. But, to make sure that nobody cheats you on the name of Saturn, we have come up with this Saturn transit 2015 horoscope. With the help of this horoscope, you will be able to know about the actual effects that Saturn is going to give you in 2015.

In this horoscope, you will also get to know about the remedies to be used, if Saturn is going to produce some bad effects. After reading Saturn transit 2015 horoscopes, the fear that you have about Saturn, will decrease. Also it will help you to take better decisions, by letting you know the auspicious effects of Saturn.

Before describing the effects of Saturn transit on different zodiac signs, let’s first know about the zodiac signs which will get relief from the effect of Saturn Sade Sati and Saturn Dhaiya. Also, let us throw some light on the zodiac signs which will come under the influence of Saturn Sade Sati and Saturn Dhaiya.

The transit of Saturn in zodiac sign Scorpio will free the natives of zodiac sign Virgo from the effect of Saturn Sade Sati. Natives with zodiac signs Cancer and Pisces will become free from Saturn Dhaiya. Whereas, the effect of Saturn Sade Sati will begin on the natives of zodiac sign Sagittarius . On the other hand, natives of Leo and Aries zodiac sign will experience the effect of Saturn Dhaiya.

Note : These predictions for Jupiter transit 2015 are based on Moon sign, but are applicable on ascendant sign as well.

Now, let’s discuss the effect of Saturn transit 2015 on different zodiac signs:


Saturn transit in Scorpio in 2015 is going to take place in your eighth house; hence, some tensions related to work are natural. However, Saturn transit horoscope 2015 says that you will get the desired result of your efforts in future. If you concentrate on your work and perform it with full dedication, Saturn will help you in getting the support of higher officials and government. In this phase, you may spend money in some investment or purchase of property. According to Saturn transit astrology 2015, long journeys in or outside the country are possible. Desired changes in your authorities or workplace are possible. But, Saturn Dhaiya will also show its effect, so caution is required. Saturn transit astrology 2015 suggests taking care of your health while travelling. Also, take proper care of your finances. Saturn in eighth house sometimes lead to financial losses by fraud, says Saturn transit predictions 2015. Hence, as per Saturn transit horoscope 2015, try to handle financial matters like lending or borrowing money, very carefully.

Remedy : Carry a square shaped silver piece with yourself, you will receive the grace of Saturn.


According to Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015, Saturn is posited in the seventh house of Taureans. As a result, it will help in increasing the income, but at the same time, it will also lead to increased expenses, predicts Saturn transit horoscope 2015. It is possible that sometimes you may feel that your expenses are exceeding the income. However, Saturn transit 2015 horoscopes say that this kind of situation will be mainly experienced by those who are having a limited income. On the other hand, those who are having plenty of money and many sources of income, will not get affected much, assures Saturn transit astrology 2015. At this time, your public or social life might trouble you. Hurdles are possible in important works. Saturn transit predictions 2015 foretell that a dear one may go away from you. Saturn transit horoscope 2015 is also suggesting to stay very careful while investing in business. Try to stay away from unnecessary disputes and legal matters. You may have to work hard during this period of time, foretells Saturn transit astrology 2015. If you are interested in shifting to some new place, after selling your home, Saturn transit can help, predicts Saturn transit 2015 horoscope.

Remedy : According to Saturn transit astrology 2015, serving a black-colored cow will help.


Saturn transit horoscope 2015 predicts that Saturn is in your sixth house, so profit in business and income is possible. Saturn will open the doors of success for people related to technology and semi-technology work fields. However, astrology 2015 says that Saturn may not produce the desired results in domestic matters. So, not only relatives, but, you will also have to stay calm and polite for your colleagues and friends. Saturn transit 2015 horoscope suggests working with patience in all the financial matters. Relocation is also possible. Taking care of your life partner’s health is suggested by Saturn transit 2015 astrology. Also, avoid making issues and creating disputes on small things. If there is some problem in legal matters, it will be good to stay away from it, as suggested by Saturn transit in Scorpio predictions 2015. Although, if you are interested in buying or constructing new home, Saturn transit might help you. Besides all this, horoscopes 2015 is advising to be thoughtful regarding your health.

Remedy : Float coconuts and almonds in flowing water, suggests Saturn transit predictions 2015.


For the Cancerians, Saturn is transiting in the fifth house, as per Saturn transit horoscope 2015. According to predictions 2015, Saturn’s transit in fifth house is not considered very auspicious. It is said that such a Saturn circulates opposition and dishonor in every direction. According to 2015 horoscope, it is necessary to understand the after effects of excessive meeting and talking with someone. During this time, it is advisable not to indulge with anyone from opposite sex, otherwise this friendship may lead to problems. If you want to enter in some business, Saturn transit in Scorpio astrology 2015 predicts that you may become the victim of fraud in matter of accumulating wealth. In this phase, tensions related to children may increase. Although you will get satisfactory profits, but 2015 astrology predicts rise in expenses as well. The time will remain very hectic for youngsters and middle-aged.

Remedy : Distribute one part of almond in temple and keep the other part at your home.


Lions, horoscope 2015 says that due to Saturn’s transit in fourth house, you may have to face ups & downs in business and livelihood. Try not to become over ambitious during this time, because this may lead to wastage of money and time in useless matters. Although this time is favorable for property buying and selling, but stay very cautious. Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope suggests finalizing any deal after properly analysing the legal matters. You may have to relocate for job or shifting to some other country is also possible. As per astrology 2015, It is also possible for you to leave the place where you are residing since long. Take care of elder members of family. Saturn transit 2015 will also produce favorable results for religious travels, predicts 2015 astrology predictions.

Remedy : Pour milk in any well and don’t consume milk at night.


Saturn is transiting in your third house, according to Saturn transit in Scorpio horoscope 2015. Although, the transit of Saturn in third house is considered very auspicious; still, some hidden threats and losses are possible. Predictions 2015 assures experiencing peace and happiness in matters related to children. Chances of some auspicious ceremony are expected at home. As per saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope, you will get progress in business. If you were trying to go foreign, you will get the suitable chances. Virgo natives were going through the pain of Saturn Sade Sati from last many years; as a result, some positivity is obvious for them now. Astrology 2015 foretells that you will accumulate wealth and will develop interest in investment. But, it will be better to stay alert while investing in stock market or while gambling, as suggested by Saturn transit predictions 2015.

Remedy : Distribute eye medicines for free to the needy.


Horoscope 2015 predicts Saturn transit happening in your second house. So, you need to control your words, otherwise people will become your enemy unnecessarily. As per Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope, hurdles may arise in the trading of movable and immovable property. Astrology 2015 suggests that it would be great to give special care to financial matters. Physical troubles are also possible, especially eyes related problems. As per 2015 astrology, stay alert for your money and assets, because they may get stolen or malfunctioning is possible. Patience and intelligence is needed while driving and travelling, suggests Saturn transit predictions 2015. It is advisable to stay self dependent, during this Saturn transit 2015, as friends and relatives might not lend the desired support. Although profits are possible for youngsters in job or competitions. According to horoscope 2015 astrology predictions, domestic happiness, pleasures, and success in works is possible for middle-aged and elder people.

Remedy : Visiting the temple bare-feet will benefit.


Scorpions, Saturn is transiting in your first house, as per horoscope 2015. Therefore, astrology 2015 says that weakness in body is possible. During this time, take care of your health and fitness. As per Saturn transit in 2015 horoscope, don’t get so much busy in work that you forget about your health. Take rest according to tiredness and tediousness. Try not to make such enemies which will be harmful for your social status. Not only you should stay alert, but you should also try that your family members also stay alert for avoiding any financial loss. Saturn transit 2015 astrology foretells that this condition of Saturn might bring ups and downs for businessmen. Hence, profits and loss, both are possible. Although, some problems may arise in domestic life, predictions 2015 say that marital life will remain auspicious. No problem will arise in partnership related works, if you try your best.

Remedy : Stay away from non-vegetarian food & alcohol. Serve the monkeys.


Saturn will remain in your twelfth house, according to Saturn transit in Scorpio horoscope 2015. Lots of changes are possible in life. As per astrology 2015, you might feel that family members, especially your child is not listening to you and doing things, as per their will. Sometimes, you may also feel that money accumulated is getting wasted in useless activities. Saturn transit 2015 horoscope suggests that you should try to avoid arguments as far as possible. Also, careless attitude toward your health is not advisable. It means, you have to stay calm and work as per the demand of time and situation. 2015 astrology predictions says that staying away from any kind of greediness and selfishness would the best thing. It is not appropriate to invite any kind of problem in greed and selfishness. Hence, accepting the situation and being satisfied with all you have, is the solution.

Remedy : Tie twelve almonds in a black colored cloth, put it in an iron vessel and place it in the dark corner or room in the house.


Saturn transit in Scorpio say that Saturn will transit in your eleventh house. This means that your voice of conscience will inspire you to do something new, or you can also start some new work. But keep in mind that if you have performed anything, which is not valid according to Shani Dev, he could punish you by giving some unfavorable results. However, 2015 horoscope says that there is no need to worry, if you haven’t done anything wrong. Some tensions are possible from children. Although there are good chances of income; however, some major expense may also come forward, says astrology 2015 predictions. It would be better to invest money, as soon as it comes. As per Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 astrology, try to avoid any kind of petulance in behaviour. Aspect of Saturn on first house might produce some physical suffering, but some unexpected profits are also possible.

Remedy : Pour droplets of oil or alcohol on the ground for a period of 43 days.


Aquarians, horoscope 2015 predicts transit of Saturn in your tenth house. As per Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope, this time will bring progress in business. There are also strong chances of improvement in social fame and reputation. This transit will also remain favorable for governmental affairs, according to astrology 2015. If you were thinking of entering in politics, this Saturn transit might help. Also if you were thinking of attending any program related to social work, time is also favorable for that. Saturn transit 2015 astrology suggests staying careful regarding the health of a senior person at home. As a result of an increase in your status, expenses will also increase. Saturn transit predictions 2015 is predicting that not only there are chances of promotion for the servicemen, but they can also get transferred to the place of their desire. This phase also seems favorable for youngsters and students. Saturn transit horoscope 2015 foretells that your work standard will improve. There are chances of travelling throughout the country. That means, you will get positive results in most of the matters, as per Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope.

Remedy : Serving blind people will help.


According to horoscope 2015, Saturn is transiting in ninth house for you, it means that Saturn will help you in intellectual works. Transit of Saturn in ninth house is also considered auspicious for financial matters. Not only this, but if you keep on working properly at workplace, chances of promotion are very strong. Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope predicts this time highly favorable for business. There are chances of some auspicious ceremony at home. As per astrology 2015 predictions, time is also good for investment. If you are thinking of investing money in property, or buying some new property, this time will help. Any of your friend will prove helpful and might also help you in getting a big or profitable deal. However, discord with some friends is also possible, as foreseen by 2015 astrology predictions. It is not advisable to put any kind of obstacle in government related works. Some expenses and physical illness is possible. Saturn transit in Scorpio predictions 2015 says that success is foreseen in legal matters.

Remedy : Floating rice grains in running water will help.

We hope that after knowing the effects of Saturn transit in Scorpio in 2015, you will move forward on the way of success. Saturn horoscope 2015 predictions are prepared by our expert astrologer. Therefore, you can depend on astrology 2015 predictions without any doubt. Read what Saturn has got for you in 2015 and stay prepared with the remedies mentioned in Saturn transit in Scorpio 2015 horoscope. We are sure that with 2015 astrology predictions, you will create a successful future in the year 2015. Keep everything else aside and take a look in your future with Saturn transit predictions 2015.

By Pt.Hanumman Mishra

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