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Analysis of Sri Ramana Maharshi horoscope

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Thu 23 Sep 2010 6:45:32 PM

Analysis of  Sri Ramana Maharshi horoscope
VGR Pavan

Mind, the warehouse of all secrets of Nature and all mysteries of this creation is a very complex entity. This is the mind which is the reason for all materialistic thoughts and immaterialist traits. The much wavering and vacillating energy is mind, if we can stabilize this wind and focus it on a single thought then we can understand the real state of our soul. This is the main objective of Patanjali Yoga sutras and this is the mission for which great men and women were born. Among those spiritual savants the much renowned and respected one is “Bhagawan Sri Ramana Maharshi”. The tile Bhagawan in front His name itself suggests that He is an incarnation of God (lord Siva). The phrase”Maharshi” suggests that he is always a tireless sadhaka. The person whom he see ad the person who is seeing is one and the same .Sri Ramana. He is called as the “Saint of Tiruvanamalai” by his foreign devotees.

Let us see how astrological rules confirm in this great sages horoscope:

Though it was reported that he was born at 01 AM giving Virgo as his Ascendant,  I felt that he might have born in Libra Ascendant and his birth time will be 06.35 AM. At first I verified his horoscope on 03-09-2010 @ 12.29 hrs with RP- Asc: Mars-Sat, Moon- Merc-Mars and Day-Venus. Therefore Mars-Saturn-Mercury-Venus are strong RP in the order of strength. Here we have to note that Kethu is with the mano karaka Moon and deputizing Mercury and powerful than Mercury, for this reason I dropped Virgo and selected Libra. Because Venus the day lord is strong in her own sign and conjoined with Mars the Moon star lord, further she is in trine to RP Moon position. Thus I fixed Venus-Mars-Kethu-Saturn as the co-rulers of Asc (Libra), giving TOB as 01.23 hrs.

Now applying KP rules of Ascetics:

If Asc sublord is connected with 3,12 houses and also with Kethu, Saturn then Sanyasa yoga is promised, Some suggests the inclusion of the 5,9,10 houses also as they stand for Upasana, Achara and Karma respectively.

Here Asc. sub lord is Kethu, he is in 9 with Moon the 10th lord. Both are in Jupiter star, lord of 3,6 in 5. Further Kethu denotes Sun in 3 and Mercury 12th lord in 2. thus Asc sub lord Kethu is strongly connected with 3,5,9,10,11,12 houses. Here please note that Saturn is aspecting both 12th, and Sun (Ego), we all know that how Swami spent secluded life and tried to calm down his ego and burned it into ashes. He had done all these in the Saturn Dasa only!  


Swamiji lost his father in 1892, in Saturn- Venus period. Saturn is lord of 8,9 from 9th house and posited in the star and sub of Mercury, Mercury is lord of 1 in 6 causing sudden illness. Saturn is aspecting the Badaka sthana from 9th house also. Venus the bhukthi lord is in Jupiter star and Mars sub. Jupiter is Maraka Badaka lord and 2nd csp star lord. Venus is in trine with Moon the 2nd lord and sub lord. Venus is lord of 12 and sub lord for 7th cusp. As 8th (from 9th ) sub lord Rahu is with Sun and afflicted by Saturn his father died suddenly might be because of Cardiac problem.


On 17-07-1896 he got his first initiation from that Almighty Himself. As he describes he had a terrible fear of Death for some weeks  this happened in Saturn-Sun-Venus period, Saturn is aspecting 8th house from the star of 12th lord, Sun the 11th lord (both Badaka and desire fulfillment) is in Venus star the 1,8 lord in 1. Venus the 8th lord is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Kuja the 7th lord in 7th. The joint period of Maraka and Badaka cause the death pain. (Actually that was the death of his ego)

He got the Dasrshan of Arunachaleswara on 1-09-1896 and realized his mission of life. It was in the period of Saturn-Moon-Moon period. Saturn strongly connected with 2,12 houses and Moon 10th lord (no planet in her stars) in 9th (God), in Jupiter star (in 5) and sub of Venus lord of 1 in 1. Moon is the 10th sub lord. That was Monday with Mrigasira star.

Swamiji later on spent Months in meditation and attained Samadhi sthithi quite often. Moon the bhukthi lord showed him the light and co operated with him. This is the highest action in his life (which meridian indicates), Kethu never let him to come out of this trance. He was in this journey through out Saturn Dasa till 1904. He enjoyed seclusion for some years and meditated without any disturbances. Note Saturn’s connection with 12th house by aspect and star.

Marriage and Family life:

Later in Mercury dasa he continued his Sadhana and never returned to his family. Mercury in 2nd house in own star strongly denotes family but he is in the sub of Moon with Kethu. The Moksha karaka never allowed him to have a thought for family life.

It is an interesting point that Venus the 7th sub lord in the star of Jupiter in 5th house and sub of Mars lord of 7th in 7th does not culminated into marriage. My reason is that though Mars is 7th lord in 7th with no planets in his star, he is in the sub of Saturn lord of 4th in 6th inn the star of 12th lord Mercury. Thus disqualifies himself note to offer marriage in his period or in the period of planet in his stars or subs. Further Saturn the dasa lord till 1904
(25 years of age), is in the star and sub of 12th lord Mercury. Saturn in 6th with no planets in his stars. Thus strong planet for 4,6,12 houses negated marriage. Mercury is in his own star but in the sub of Moon 10th lord close to 10th cusp. Thus there will be no marriage even in Mercury dasa so also Kethu an agent for Mercury.


Swamiji lost his mother 19-05-1920 at around 8 PM. He was then running Mercury-Saturn-Venus period. Mercury is in Badaka sthana in own star, Saturn the bhukthi lord is 2nd lord (from 4th) in Mercury star and sub. Venus the anthara lord in the star of Jupiter in 2nd (maraka) house, Jupiter rules star on the 7th cusp from 4th house.  It was a Wednesday with Mrigasira star. Saturn was then in the star of Kethu and Mercury sub. Sun was in  own star and Mercury is in Sun star. Sun is strong 8,12 house significator from 4th house.

Swamiji become very popular (no need for it) from 1907 onwards, the dasa is ruled by Mercury. Lord of 9, 12 in 2 in own star and Moon sub,  Moon is 10th lord and no planet is in her star thus permits Mercury to offer the results of 10th house to full extent.

Health and Final years:

Swamiji developed tiny cancerous growth in November 1948 almost with the commencement of Badaka, Sun Mahadasa. He is in the star of Venus lord of 1,8 in 1 and own sub. Ascendant indicate self and 8th danger so Venus has to offer both these results, As sun is in 3rd house we can assume that his right arm was affected. Four operations were performed between Dec-1948 to Dec-1949. in Moon and Mars bhukthis. By March 1950 his health was completely deteriorated and disciples give up hopes. It is Sun-Rahu-Mercury period which brought salvation for this great saint on 14-04-1950 at about 20.47 hours. Rahu the node with Sun is very powerful to bring the result of Badaka sthana, he is also a significator for Asc. But as said by Guruji Sri KSK the sub lord Mercury is lord of 12th (Mokhsa) in 2nd in own star receiving aspect from Mars lord of 7th in 7. Mercury is represented by Kethu who is the star lords for 7,11 and sub lord for 11. Rahu is the sub lord for 2nd cusp (Maraka house).

It was a Friday ruled by Venus (Dasa and bhukthi lord’s star lord), Moon was transiting in Purvabhadara 4th quarter in Pisces (12th sign of the zodiac) conjoined with Rahu.  Sun was in Kethu star and Venus sub exactly on the 7th cusp. Mercury in Venus star and Rahu sub. Rahu was in Saturn star and own sub. /majority of the planets are connected with Venus who is lord of Asc. But in the sub of Mars in Natal chart. Thus the celestial map is firmly arranged for the disincarnating of this Mahanubhava.

We can’t praise him in a simple article or hours of lectures but can simply say that we are all privileged to have our births in a time near to this Parama purusha. That is our luck beyond any doubt. Let his blessings shower on all of us.

To contact astrologer VGR Pavan, Please click here
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