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Surya Namaskar: The Way to Ultimate Ecstasy

Author: - | Last Updated: Fri 21 Jun 2013 2:36:48 PM

sun salutation, surya namaskar

A technique passed down the yogic practitioners of ancient India, many people know about the yogic technique of Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. A technique that is exceptionally good at detoxing our bodies and helping those with asthma heal and lead normal lives. Surya Namaskar literally means paying homage to the Sun. All life on Earth is dependent on the Suns energy and Sun Salutation is a way for us to get attuned to that life force.

What is Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar is simply a set of 12 poses that are meant to stretch the body to its limits and make it possible to absorb energy. Like an elastic band we too are filled with energy when we stretch. The only difference is that we can store this newly acquired energy inside our bodies in our Chakras.

While the yogic poses of Surya Namaskar can be done at any time of the day with little or no exposure to the Sun, doing the exercises in the morning at sunrise can help us start the day right. There are physical as well as spiritual benefits of Sun Salutation that depend on How and Where you choose to perform these exercises. Sun Salutation is extremely useful for those who have an asthmatic condition because of the positive effects of what is essentially an aerobic workout.

The Physical benefits of Sun Salutation

  1. Due to the inherent ideology behind Surya Namaskar, you are supposed to follow an early to bed and early to rise lifestyle. This change is the first step toward better health as you are allowing your body to attain a harmony with its internal clock.
  2. Performing Surya Namaskar while outdoors with direct sunlight on your body means you get to trap the Sun's morning energy in your entire body. This leaves you feeling refreshed and full of energy all day.
  3. The traditional way to perform Surya namaskar is to do it on an empty stomach. This helps in detoxifying the body while it wakes up. A glass of warm water should be had before you start, as it acts as a cleansing agent while you exercise.
  4. The breathing exercises have a noticeable effect on those with Asthma. Breathing in fresh dewy air right when you wake up is a good way to load up on oxygen. Deep breathe also help open up air passages in your nose and the wind pipe.
  5. The stretches of Surya Namaskar make the person more flexible and the action of exposing your solar plexus to the Sun's direct rays is a good way to re-energize oneself. The solar plexus is a bundle of nerves in your belly. They radiate to every part of our body and are bound with every major internal organ. Reinforcing it with the suns cosmic energy gives strength to people at their core.
  6. Its good cardio. The stretching and Pranaam (salutation) routine can be done at varying speeds to be used as exercise. The faster you do it the harder your heart, lungs and muscles work. But at slower speeds it can be used to gain muscle tone, strengthen the spine, improve posture and as a warm-up for another exercise like jogging, skipping or even swimming.
  7. The best part of Surya Namaskar is that it also helps in weight loss. It is the easiest way of losing weight, as it doesn’t require much efforts as well as time.

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Spiritual benefits of Sun Salutation

  1. If you follow the early morning routine of Surya Namaskar, you will be starting off your day with the Sun, the giver of Life. Your body will be warmed by the first rays of the morning sun and this energy stays with you all day.
  2. The Sun has been found to be the very first God. Pagan sun worshippers have been discovered as far back as 4000 BC. In every religion of the modern world, there is a special place for the Sun. In Hinduism, we have Surya Dev and his many avatars, the Mayan civilization was based upon and revolved entirely around Sun worship, Christianity absorbed many of the Pagan Sun worship traditions into itself. Through Surya Namaskar, you would be a part of the grand tradition of communing with nature.

The Effect of Surya Namaskar on Prana

Surya Namaskar can be performed by anyone and anywhere. All you need is the willingness to stick to it and a trained yoga teacher to teach you the right stances. Once you learn the routine there is nothing stopping you. You could perform this exercise 10, 20 even 30 minutes before sunrise and return to your routine after saluting the Sun.

Surya Namaskar is a recommended exercise for those suffering from depression, stomach ailments or Asthma because it can unlock your internal energies. In Buddhism, it is called Ki or Chi. In Sanskrit, it is called Prana. The names may be different but they mean the same thing, life force. When you perform Surya Namaskar and inhale, you are letting this energy in. The human body has 7 Chakras. These are the points where energy is accumulated and cleansed for certain purposes. Through the postures of Surya Namaskar, you let this energy go through five of those Chakras and strengthen you;

When you breathe, the Throat Chakra or Vishuddha, is activated. As the air passes through it, energy is created and stored within you. This Chakra is connected to your speech skills and Sun Salutation strengthens your communication by forcing all the negative energy out when you exhale.

The cardio effect of doing Surya Namaskar promotes blood flow within your body. This is a critical chakra that is responsible for managing your life and relationships. It is called the Anahata Chakra. The more energy you store here, the more you can impart upon your personal life and relationships. Those who can unlock their Heart Chakra are capable of giving love like no other. Surya Namaskar is a step in that direction.

The solar plexus is most affected by the efforts of Surya Namaskar and it is home to the Manipura Chakra. This chakra is responsible for your overall health and strength. Residing inside your stomach this is the Chakra where food is digested to provide energy to the entire body. The stances of Surya Namaskar cause this Chakra to absorb energy in the morning that is released into your body all through the day whenever you need it.

The last two Chakras are Swadhisthana or the Carnal Chakra and Muladhara or the Root Chakra. Performing Surya Namaskar unlocks energies in these two zones and in tandem they are used to stabilize your life. The carnal circle is tied to youth and the energy of your sexuality which has to be allowed to grow but must be kept in restrai nt. The Root chakra at the base of your spinal column does exactly that being the base of your life. It is the stabilising force that lets you stand and walk. Improving your balance means you won't just walk, you will run.

Sun Salutation as a Way of Life

The effects of regular Yoga appear gradually and Surya Namaskar is no different. Most people are averse to the idea of waking up before the Sun, but leaving your bed to go out is half the battle. Once you get used to the routine and start paying attention to the changes in your life and your body, you will understand why Surya Namaskar is fast becoming the most popular Yoga technique.
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