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The importance of Moon in the birth chart

Author: SN Rao | Last Updated: Wed 4 May 2011 12:05:16 PM

The importance of Moon in the birth chart

By S N Rao

The Moon is in a new constellation every couple of days, and its location on the Zodiacal wheel at the moment of your birth is your Moon sign. The Moon's position when you were born sheds light on the interior life of a person. The Moon in a chart can explain why two people with the same Sun sign can be so different. The Moon's sign, house and phase can tell you a lot about the person's emotional instincts and habits. While the Sun is the core self through which you find expression in the world, the Moon is the inner life that only close companions get to experience. In astrology, the Moon is the instinctual self, and because of that, some might not feel comfortable with its full expression. In times of great stress, these qualities could be exposed and make the person feel strangely out of control. If you’ve ever completely lost it, you’ll know what it's like when the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon and you become a full-fledged “lunatic.” But in daily life, the Moon is what you fall back on to restore your sense of emotional security. It’s the little private habits that are comforting. For some this means reaching out socially, but for others this could mean retreating to a solitary corner of the mind. It also speaks volumes about how you handle your intimate life. Some Moons have a detached air, while others cast a welcoming luminescent glow.

A key relationship in astrology is that between the Sun and the Moon. If someone has an ongoing tug-of-war between the will to act and the emotions, it often shows up there. When you understand the essence of the Moon, you’re no longer “in the dark.” This is valuable information for understanding the interior life of family members, friends and of course, potential romantic partners. The Moon represents the more impressionist side and the inner feelings and emotions portraying us from within. It indicates how we express our nurturing instinct and the style of immediate emotional-feeling response to experiences. With an altogether mysterious side, Moon shows our hidden aspects.

The moon can symbolize the mother, your mother, your own parenting style. The moon loosely represents the feminine and more pointedly how we feel. So it’s no surprise that it is a representative of how we feel about the parenting we experienced as children. How we feel in general shapes how we feel about everything. Saturn with moon is going to feel differently than Jupiter with moon. Similarly a 7th house moon will have a different experience than a 12th house moon.

Someone who grew up in your place, someone with a different chart, a different moon, would likely feel very differently about experiencing the same household. There’s still the question, which is more important nature or nurture? I think it’s both. Imagine this, the household is the same but the kid is different. People are going to react differently to a different kid. Their experience will be similar but not the same. The reactions set off a chain of new circumstances. Our environments shape us and we shape our environments.

This is of particular use when you look at this from the parenting side of the equation. Look at your child’s moon to see how they emotionally perceive the parenting they are receiving. Having a greater understanding of their emotional body gives you a better base for empathy in your reactions. This is particularly helpful if your moon is not in sympathetic aspect to theirs. When you understand where your child is coming from emotionally and react based on empathy (how THEY feel), you raise the quality of your child’s interaction with their emotional environment. You improve the odds of your child growing up with the perception of having had a happy childhood.

The Moon goes through the Zodiac within its 28 day cycle and enters a new zodiac sign approximately every 2 1/2 days. The position of the transiting moon (moon's current position) helps determine the general moods of people. The moon sign positions greatly influence the outcomes of events involving human interactions. When the Moon is in certain zodiac, the characteristics of that zodiac sign color the moon's expression. The moon rules over issues related to family and interaction among family members, social gatherings and general proceedings in the home environment. All the above incidents are greatly affected by moon's sign position. The moon sign, when taken in combination with the Sun sign, tells about a person and is an essential part of learning about oneself. The best way to find out about the moon sign is to visit an astrologer for a private reading.

To consult astrologer SN Rao, please click here - Horoscope Reading by SN Rao.

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