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USA Economic Crisis : Astrology Predictions

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Fri 2 Sep 2011 12:35:57 PM

barack obama, united states of america, USA

By VGR Pavan

Fate of US Economy : Barack Obama’s swearing in time

In the advent of financial bolts in US, not only the citizens of US but many nations having close “ties” with it are curious about its recovery. It is a fact that because of “housing crisis” and Iraq’s war there was a huge drain from its financial resources. Recent credit rating stunned the entire world and the future became gloomy to many organizations. Naturally the person ruling this nation will try his level best to put up things and repair the loss. Whether he can succeed in his attempt is a million dollar (not US for now) question. Here I will try to read the swearing in chart of Barack H. Obama and try to get the answer to the question which is worthy. Analysis is through KP and the following is the Swearing in Chart:

Barack Obama Chart - Barack Obama HoroscopeKP teaches that of the planets and the cusps the later are more vital as it is the stamp of the time for the given location (place). Hence the co-rulers of the cusps will decide the fate of that cusp. In KP entire zodiac is divided into 27 stars (which is peculiar to Vedic Astrology) again these stars into sub divisions. They are 249 such subs and the lords of these stars-subs are termed as star lords and sub lords respectively. Therefore for any planet or cusp there exists a set of rulers called as Sign lord ( Sign lord), star lord and the sub lord. These three, especially the sub lord, will modify the results of the planet or the cusp to a greater extent. This is the brief of KP propounded by the most successful astrologer of recent times Sri.K.S.Krishnamurthy.

Reverting to the subject, the Ascendant denotes Obama, the Meridian denotes his ruling or his authority. Ascendant denotes how far he could curb the rivals and withstand the irregularities through his wish and will. Whereas, the Meridian show how far he can achieve success through the above said attitude. Some may say that the Ascendant itself is power! Then what will the Meridian stand for? As per the basics of Astrology tenth house is always for power and authority.

Here the Asc falls in Mars sign Venus star and Rahu sub. Now study Rahu, he was in the 10th house along with Jupiter, Sun, Mercury (Retro).As he is a node he will represent all the planets he is with, the star lord he was in and the sign lord he is dwelling in. therefore apart from the above he also denote Moon (his star lord), Saturn his sign lord. Hence he will offer the results of 3-4-5-6-7-9-10-11-12 houses. Among them 3-6-10-11 are favorable houses while the others are unfavorable.

Now, we can observe the transit of Rahu (as he is a slow moving planet) to show the conditions under which he has to work because we cannot work out Vimshothari dasa for the term of 5 years accurately. Rahu is now transiting towards the 8th cusp as well as Moon. Through transit he is receiving the aspect (Vedic aspect of 3rd sign) from Saturn also. Situation may be tightened as Rahu will culminate the 8th cusp during Jan-2012. It is not easy to take decision especially having retrograde Saturn in the 5th house. He should give high priority to the quality of data he receives for decision making.

Saturn will transit in the sign of Virgo till Jul-2012 which is 8th from 11th house (old friends) and in 4th from 3rd house (new friends). This figures that he may have weak relations with them till Saturn’s stay in Virgo. It is interesting to note that Saturn is progressing to the Radical Saturn in American Independence chart. I will deal with this subject in a separate article. This transit is not auspicious in various fronts.

Further Saturn is going to transit through “Chitha Star” owned by Mars, who is lord of 1-8 houses. One may say that Mars is good as he is dignified and in trine to the Asc being its lord. True, but what about his significations towards 8th house. Further this Mars is in the 9th house which is 12th to the 10th house. This will restrain the president to get results for the pro-active measures.

We have to check the tenth sub lord, here it is Jupiter. He is in 10th house in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Sun is in 10th house and Venus in 11th house and deposited in the star of Jupiter who is lord of 9-12 in 10. Therefore Jupiter is good at star level but evil at sub level. Further the sub lord Venus was strongly opposed by the retro Saturn. This shows trouble whenever Jupiter transits in the stars or subs of Venus. Jupiter is transiting in the star of Venus from July-2011. He will stay in that star till Oct-2nd week. He will leave the star in retrograde motion. This point shows that the financial condition will be “maintained” using “diplomatic” moves!

Though Jupiter is debilitated he will increase his name and fame among masses as he is strong to the 10th house significations. Therefore his transit in the sign of Gemini will give strength to Ascendant and Ascendant lord, further he will be in good aspect over Venus and Saturn. Then slowly situations may come under control.

Therefore transit of Saturn through Chitha star, Jupiter transit through Bharani-Rohini-Mrigasira stars and lastly Rahu transit over Jyesta-Anuradha stars are not favorable. Interesting thing is that inauspicious transits of Saturn & Rahu will finish by Oct-2012.whereas Jupiter’s evil transit will cease by the end of Jun-2013.

Hence we can say that control over the lower rings will take place by Oct-2012 and higher rings will be controlled to a good extent by Jun-2013. If we keenly observe the map we can find that all the eight planets are under the influence of Saturn. Therefore there need a lot of patience and perseverance to control the situation. I think the high philosophical nature/faith in truth of Obama gives him great impetus as depicted by Mars in Sagittarius the 9th sign of the natural zodiac.

But till Feb-2012 he may have to shed more loses amidst the weak transit. However the strength of the Asc lord and connection of 10th house to majority of the planets may show a sign of slow relief but good public support.

The above is my humble analysis without any bias. It is purely of academic interest and not otherwise. May God bless the “President’ with good virtue and help to cope with the situation.

To consult astrologer VGR Pavan, please click here - Horoscope reading by VGR Pavan.

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