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Venus enters Capricorn on 25th February 2011 - Horoscope

Author: SN Rao | Last Updated: Tue 8 Feb 2011 1:46:14 PM

Venus Transit Horoscope – Effect on Zodiac Signs

By S N Rao

Transit Venus enters Capricorn on 25th Feb 2011. It will remain in Capricorn till 22nd Mar 2011. Venus is the planet of love, romance, relationships and pleasant occurrences in the life of an individual. Venus signifies cash transactions and dealings with partners. Venus is also seen for matters like travel, vehicles, females and feminine influences. The transit influence of Venus has to be seen with reference to the janma rashi. The following effects of Venus will be felt on various signs.

Aries HoroscopeThe period will be full of difficulties and tension for the native. The person may get involved in conflicts. There will be difficulties from enemies. He will have an unstable mind and feel unhappy. His relationship with life-partner may also suffer. Domestic conflicts are likely to happen. Trouble from females are indicated, hence it is better to show restrain while dealing with females. There will be a tendency to show-off a lot during this time, due to which the expenses will increase.

Taurus HoroscopeThe period will be pleasant and comfortable. The person is likely to get happiness of all material comforts and conveniences. Due to the positive influence of Jupiter the native is likely to follow the path of morality and be religious. He develops faith in spirituality and visits pilgrimage and worships God. His health will also improve.

Gemini HoroscopeThis period will be positive to the native as far as physical body is concerned. Venus has a positive influence on the health and makes the person physically fit. The person will get monetary benefits and income is likely to increase. Income apart from the regular income is also likely to be received from different sources. The native will be successful and become wealthy during this transit. However, women have great contribution behind his success. During this transit the person will attain good education and his respect and honor in the society will increase.

Cancer HoroscopeThis is an unfortunate period for the domestic life of the native. Restrain in dealings with females and the spouse is to be shown for minimizing the bad influence. The person during this transit may bear problems due to his life-partner. His tensions may increase and he may feel restless. His children may also suffer some health related problems. The person may join bad company. Therefore he should remain with friends who are moral in character, which may help to reduce the malefic influence of this transit.

Leo HoroscopeThis period is unfortunate for finance. During this transit the person may bear various losses. Conflicts may also occur with life-partner and closed friends. There will be trouble from the enemies. His health may also suffer. He should avoid getting involved in immoral practices.

Virgo HoroscopeA slightly better period for the natives as the malefic effect of Saturn and Jupiter is likely to be minimized by the positive effect of Venus. During this transit the person will get the support of his children and servants. His wealth will also increase marginally and he will achieve success at work-front. He will get good food and other material comforts. During this time the person will develop interest in creative arts.

Libra HoroscopeThis is a positive period for the domestic life of the native. There may be favorable additions in the family. This transit will increase happiness in his family life. Travel and pleasant occurrences will enhance the relationship between the native and his partner. The person will accomplish all his tasks and take well thought-out decisions. He will get the support of his brothers and will own a vehicle.

Scorpio HoroscopeThis period is favorable for improving the financial situation of the native. This period will increase the wealth of the native. He will also get the love and support of his life-partner and friends. He will soon get to hear a good news and will celebrate auspicious events in his family. He will also make journeys for some auspicious and important works.

Sagittarius HoroscopeThis is a positive period for carrying out outdoor activities. There will be rigor and energy to carry out strenuous activities and bring favorable results. During this transit the person will stay physically fit. This transit is auspicious for money matters and he will get all the material comforts. The person will get the support of his family and women will have great contribution behind his success. He will have an increased interest in music.

Capricorn HoroscopeThis is a positive period for increasing income outside the regular means of earnings. During this period there will be an increase in material comforts and pleasures for the native. His wealth will increase and he will accomplish all his tasks. The person will also spend some time in charitable activities and serving others. Women will have great contribution behind his success.

Aquarius HoroscopeDuring this transit the person will become wealthy, visit abroad and get all the material comforts and conveniences. He will live a luxurious life and his expenses will be high due to his inclination towards self-grooming. His business will also expand and progress thoroughly.

Pisces HoroscopeThis transit is auspicious for the native as he will achieve success through his efforts and hard-work. He will be talented and will be inclined towards music and creative arts. His wealth will also increase and will become a prestigious personality of the society.

To consult astrologer SN Rao, please click here.

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