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Astrological Study of Wealth & Dhan Sthan

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Tue 20 Sep 2011 12:09:58 PM

By Suchitra Das

 wealth astrology

Second House of our natal horoscope assumes an important place for indicating wealth besides other important significations. This house is the barometer to ascertain the level of accumulation of wealth by a nativity in his life time in the form of Savings Deposit, Fixed Deposit, Recurring Deposit as well as holding of wealth in the form of shares, debentures, bond, mutual fund and through investment in other financial instruments. Second house is the most important Artha Trikone (Wealth Trine) in Hindu Astrology.

Placement or strong aspect of any money giving planets like friendly Jupiter, waxing Moon, Venus and Mercury in descending order of importance are considered to be most favourable for accumulation of wealth by a nativity through fair means. The placement of malefics like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn in the 2nd house without their participating in auspicious yoga is viewed adverse towards accumulation of wealth.

The second house of accumulation of wealth should be studied along with Hora Charts (D-2 chart) and the disposition of Indu Lagna in a natal horoscope. Second house should also be fortified with required number of Sarvashtaka Bindus (SAV) and in no case should be less than SAV Bindus in 12th house. Similarly, 2nd lord should also be strong and well placed in 11th or 7th or 10th or 9th or 5th house for better financial prosperity. The exchange of houses or mutual aspects between the 2nd lord and 9th or 5th lord is a great Dhan Yoga. 2nd lord in no case be associated with 12th lord or 12th lord should not be in a position to overpower the 2nd lord. 2nd house and its lord should be free from the ominous shadow of 12th house/lord for a native to earn huge wealth in his country of birth. One just cannot dream of becoming wealthy, if his natal horoscope is devoid of any strong Dhan Yoga.

I have, in time to time, in this portal elaborately discussed about various Dhan Yogas through my articles basing on well researched and proven astrological dictum, which does not require any further elaboration here.

Hora Chart is the most important divisional chart to measure the level of wealth. Here, Rashi of 30 degree span is divided into two parts of 15 degree each. Hora Chart can be constructed through different methods and result delineated accordingly. Name of some of the hora charts are as under:

Parashari Hora Chart

The astrologers following Parashari Pratha most commonly use this D-Chart. Here all the planets find places in sign Cancer (Chandra Hora) and in sign Leo (Surya Hora).

Labh Mandook Hora Chart

It is unlike Parashari Hora Chart where all the 9 planets are accommodated in two Rashis. The planets including Ascendant in the Natal Horoscope having 0 to 15 degree retain the same signs as in the Natal Horoscope in the Hora Chart also. Planets including Lagna within 15 to 30 degree are moved to 11th signs from their natal position and placed in the Labh Mandook Hora chart accordingly. Now, your Labh Mandook Hora Chart is ready for measuring the level of wealth according to the planetary position, their lordships, aspects etc. by only an expert astrologer having deep knowledge of various Hora Charts.

Poorva Parashari Hora Chart

In this Hora Chart, planets in the first hora (0 to 15 degree) in the Natal Chart retained the same signs in the Hora Chart, while the planets above 15 degree go to the next signs from their respective natal position. In this Hora Chart, when the natural malefics Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu in the first hora immensely help in the accumulation of wealth especially, during their period and sub period while natural benefics moving to the second hora, which include money givers Jupiter and waxing Moon, showers wealth to a person.

Venktesha Hora

Planets between 0 & 15 degrees remain in the same sign whereas planets from 15 to 30 degrees go to the 7th sign from them. Planets occupying the airy and fiery signs in this Hora Chart indicate necessary courage imbibed in a nativity to reach to his goal. Planets in watery and earthy signs give practical and cool orientation of mind to take forward his project.

Vikram Mandook Hora

This hora chart is prepared by arranging planets in the first hora remaining in the same signs and planets in the second hora going to 3rd house from their position in the Natal Horoscope. Natural malefics in the odd signs in this hora chart provide courage towards attainment of goal. The natural benefics in the even signs are considered good.

Cyclical Hora

A Hora is a one-half of a sign from 0 to 15 degree (first hora) and 15 to 30 degree (second hora). In this arrangement, a repetition of cyclic order is followed. For example, first hora of Aries remain in Aries, the first hora of Taurus goes to Gemini, the first hora of Gemini goes to Leo and so on. Notice the difference, the first hora of the first sign of the zodiac i.e. Aries falls in Aries, the first hora of Taurus goes to second sign from it, the first hora of Gemini goes third sign from it etc. through a cyclic rotational process. This Hora Chart is assessed for material wealth.

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