When will Ajmal Amir Kasab be hanged? Thousand of Indians are asking this question about Pakistani terrorist Kasab, who was involved in the 2008 Mumbai Attack. Among all the terrorists attacked Mumbai, Kasab is the lone survivor captured by police and is currently in Indian custody.
It is interesting to note that even Pakistan is now advocating capital punishment for him. Ajmal Amir Kasab, convicted by an Indian court for the 26/11 Mumbai attack, is a terrorist and should be sent to the gallows, Pakistan's Interior Minister Rehman Malik said on Thursday after delegation level talks between the two countries.
But, it is well known fact that neither Pakistan’s Interior Minister’s statement nor thousands of Indians wish could hang Kasab. Though, Astrology can provide the answer of this million dollar question.
According to Pt. Punit Pandey, editor and astrologer AstroCamp.com, there is no possibility for Kasab to be hanged this year. According to Pt Punit Pandey, there is dispute regarding date of birth and time of birth as these details are not available accurately, so Horary Astrology or Prashna Jyotish is best suited for such questions. At the time of question, it was Venus Mahadasa, Mars Antardasa and Saturn Pratyantara dasa. In astrology, 2nd and 7th house are called Maraka or death inflicting houses and these houses play major role in death. Saturn is situated in 1st house in KP horary chart and owns 5th and 6th houses. First house is generally good for longevity and hence Kasab cannot be hanged in its period. Sun and Moon Pratyantar Dasa will be operating around June and July 2012. Sun is situated in 2nd house and Moon is situated in 7th house and hence this period can bring death to Ajmal Kasab. June and July 2012 is the period to be looked for astrologically for hanging Kasab.
Horary is the branch of astrology that is mostly used in absence of date, time and place of birth of a native. According to Horary astrology, chart is prepared at the time of asking the question and that chart is used to make the predictions. The chart about the capital punishment for Kasab is prepared at 12:59 pm on November 10, 2011 using randomly chosen horary number 120.
Question: When will Kasab be hanged?
Date of Question: 10/11/2011
Time of Question: 12:49:53
Place of Question: Ghaziabad, UP
Horary Number: 120
Chart is as follows:

Courtesy: Aaj Samaj