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“Who Can Become a Politician”, Predicts Astrology

Author: Hanumaan Mishra | Last Updated: Mon 17 Sep 2012 6:51:17 PM

politics, politician, astrology, interview

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra

Predicting Political Leaders by Analyses of Birth-Chart

Just through the analyses of your birth-chart, it is possible you to know whether you can become a political leader or not. Planetary positions in native’s horoscope influence one to take politics as career or profession. Let’s know here which planets and houses in horoscope or birth-chart are highly influential to build political skill.

Politics is no longer just a medium of helping people via social service but it is being seen as a business in present scenario. A large section of people of any country or the world wants to be the part of politics or the ruling party. So, do you know that planetary positions in one’s birth-chart really matter to find whether a person can have chances to be a politician or not. And now you may be wondering which positions of the planets are reasons of making the person politician. Which “yogas” encourage the person to enter in ministry or governance?

We have discussed all these questions and related matters to a renowned Vedic Astrologer Pt. Hanuman Mishra. Hopefully, all the answers given by him will profit you in all possible ways.

Which houses and planetary positions in one’s birth-chart are connected with politics as career?

Before discussing the planets or the houses that contribute in the formation of the qualities of a person to be a politician, I would like to clear that politicians that have been referred here are the people who are perfectly aware about politics. Or the people who are genuinely interested in serving the country and the society through politics. However, the mentioned position of planets are formed in the birth-chart of that person who deeply wants to immerse oneself towards serving people. The person who wants to join politics for his personal interest will not show the necessary planetary position in his birth-chart.

Let’s first discuss those houses that play the important role are connected in politics. From main point, 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses are considered for politics but 10th house is the most important one. If the lord of the 10th house is exalted or if any planet in tenth house in exalted then it is easier for a person to connect himself from governance or politics.

Which planets are ahead in forming the qualities required for a person to be a politician?

To be connected to the national governance or politics, Sun, Moon, Ascending Lunar Node (Rahu) and Saturn are taken as the main planets, but in some cases even Jupiter’s role is considered important. As Jupiter is said to be a mentor, it advises correctly. And with the help of this planet a person can become a minister. In advanced politics, the Ascending Lunar Node (Rahu) should be given priority in comparison to that of the other planets. In the birth-chart (Kundali) of a successful politicians, the relation of the houses of the politics (6th, 7th, 10th and 10th) with the Ascending Lunar Node (Rahu) can be seen. Sun is regarded as the father whereas moon is regarded as the mother, therefore if sun is exalted in 10th house with the Ascending Lunar Node having relation with 6th, 7th, 10th and 11th house, a person is bound to be successful in politics. People born in Ascendant or sign under Moon have easier access to politics.

Saturn is considered as the planet of public. The position of Saturn in the birth-chart or the Transit indicates towards the mood of the public. If Saturn is present in the 10th house or if it is forming a relation with 10th house, the person is either supposed to serve the public or do politics. If in this situation mars is situated in the 10th house, the person enters in politics to do work that will profit the people in the society. The aim of such people is to benefit public through politics. Mars is chieftain and Saturn is the well wisher of the public, therefore when both are situated in the 10th house, the quality of leadership is developed in a person that helps the person be a minister.

To be a good National minister it is important for a person to be a good spokesperson. According to the planets you mentioned, none of the planet helps a person to become a spokesperson, so can the role of Mercury or Jupiter be ignored in this matter?

No, the role of Mercury and Jupiter can’t be ignored in the matter of politics; I even discussed the relation of Jupiter before. But most important are the other planets that I just mentioned. A person can’t become a politician only with the help of his verbal skills and it also would be wrong to say that a silent person can’t do politics.

You will meet such people who talks about big things and are even good at giving great speeches but it is not necessary that they are good ministers. On the other hand, you may also come across some very serious and less talkative ministers. There are also some ministers influenced by the planet Mercury who are very jovial and always try to make other people laugh. Having strong Mercury in one’s horoscope is a plus point, as it enhances the quality of apt and ideas. But minister are only formed by the above mentioned positions of planets in horoscope. In all, I would say only, people usually do not prefer the person as a leader who is enough good in delivering speeches, but choose that person a leader who has actually feeling of serving the society.

Therefore, I will give more importance to Jupiter than Mercury. As I said earlier there are some situations in which Jupiter gets to play its role. Because it is a mentor, it advises correctly, and with the help of it a person can become a politician. Systematic structure in politics is also the responsibility of Jupiter. There is great contribution of economy in the development of any state or country. This department that means the finance ministry is also the responsibility of the planet Jupiter. Perfect guidance, structure and economy is impossible with the contribution of Jupiter therefore those politicians who are gifted this by Jupiter takes charge of these departments after coming into the governance. Keeping your last question in mind I would like to tell that the Mercury makes a person the in charge of media related matters. In simple words, Mercury and Jupiter assign you departments after you have already become a minister.

Therefore to become a politician Sun, Moon, Mars, Saturn and Ascending Lunar Node are required only whereas when a person becomes a minister, Mercury and Jupiter works as an adjective. There is one more thing related to the Jupiter that if a person is already a politician and Jupiter is situated in ninth house and in auspicious condition then that person becomes a political mentor. There are many people who are not directly involved in the politics, but politicians follow the strategies made by them. In the end, Jupiter may or may not create a minister but it definitely creates a politician.

Which planetary positions enhance a person to lead in the field of politics?

Before discussing the other planetary positions, I would like to discuss a main study of astrology. There is a study in astrology known as Gemini System in which the results are predicted on the basis of significators. The significations are defined in such a way that the planet with highest degree is called the significator of self and the planet with the second highest degree is the significator of minister. After this the significators are set in the order of brother, mother, father and Caste. The most important significator for today’s discussion is the significator of minister i.e. the planet with the second highest degree. If sun and Ascending Lunar Node are the significators of minister and also the person is interested in politics then all these arrangements result in success in the field of politics. When Ascending Lunar Mode (Rahu) is the significator of minister then the person becomes capable of forming new strategies and executing them and is also blessed with the quality of adapting situations and talk accordingly. Whereas when the father of the planets Sun is the significator of the minister then a person is destined to get higher position in politics or society.

Is birth-chart only considered to determine the political career ? Or are there other varga charts also taken for the role?

In this matter, birth-chart with some varga charts have also some importance. In birth chart, relation of seventh house with the lord of tenth house creates a successful minister. As the seventh house is tenth from the tenth house, it is seen from a special point of view and it is also considered helpful in giving a political status to a person. Sixth house is the house of occupation or service therefore if this house has a relation with tenth house or the lord of the tenth house, a person is supposed to become a leading minister while serving people or serve public after becoming a minister. If varga charts also indicate towards the same things, a person will be a politician for sure. The varga charts, which are taken in main consideration, are ‘Navamsa’ and ‘Dasamamsa’. If the position of the supportive planets of ‘Rajyogs’ of birth-chart is good in the ‘Navamsa’ chart also, the results are confirmed. Whereas ‘Dasamamsa’ Chart is examined deeply. If yogs are good or similar in all three Ascendant, Navamsa, Dasamamsa , the person is said to reach greater political heights.

Are there some special ascendant or zodiac signs that regarded as indicators of political career. If yes, then please highlight them.

Of course yes, I would like to tell about the Cancer Ascendant first. People born in the Cancer Ascendant possess leadership qualities. Maximum leading leaders in our country are with this Ascendant or zodiac sign. Therefore it is important to discuss it in details. Jupiter is creating a ‘panchmahapurusha’ yoga named as ‘Hansa’ in the first house with cancer ascendant. Venus will give ‘panchmahapurusha’ yoga called as ‘malavya’ and ‘shani shash’ in the 4th house. In 7th house the ‘Shani Shah’ and ‘Mangal Ruchak’ panchmahapurusha yoga will be formed. If there is mars in the 10th house, ‘Ruchak’ panchmahapurusha yoga will also be formed. This is the sign of the Mother Moon, therefore it has extreme authority in the palace.

In the birth-chart of cancer ascendant, lord of 10th house Mars should be in the second house, saturn in the ascendant, ascending lunar node in 6th house, and with the view of lord of first house only, sun – mercury should be in fifth and eleventh house; it makes the person successful and glorified leader.

It is said that Lord Shri Ram, Mahatma Budha, Emperor (King) Vikramaditya, Emperor (king) Yudhister and so on were born with the cancer sign. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, K.R Narayan, shri Indra Kumar Gujaral, Shrimati Sonia Gandhi, Shri Vishwanath Pratap Singh are some examples from modern politics are the the people born with cancer ascendant.

The zodiac sign of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is also Cancer.

Leo Ascendant is also considered good for the quality like leadership. If sun, moon, mercury and Jupiter are in wealth house and Mars is in sixth house, saturn in eleventh house, ascending lunar node in 12th house and descending lunar node (Ketu) is in sixth house then such a person gets politics in patrimony. This yoga keeps a person in governance for a long duration of time. During this period the person attains fame and glory. In the birth-chart of scorpio ascendant, lord of first house should be viewed by the Jupiter in the 12th house, saturn in profitable house, ascending lunar node- moon in the fourth house, Venus of own zodiac sign should be viewed by the lord of first house in the seventh house and sun in conjunction with the lord of seventh house should be in auspicious position with the eyes of Jupiter on tenth and the second house then the person become an intelligent and witty politician. The conclusion is that the zodiac signs cancer, leo and scorpio ascendant or moon sign show strong chances of political success.

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