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Success of Anil Kumble : An astrological analysis

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Sun 5 Sep 2010 6:50:26 PM

Suchitra Das
Mr. Anil Kumble, one of the famous Indian Cricketers and a former Captain of Indian Cricket Team, born on 17th October 1970 at 0940 hours (IST) in Bangalore, India. According to the above birth details, following is the planetary position in his natal chart.


Name of the Planets

Planetary strength /


Sign and House occupied with reference to Ascendant

Functional Nature



Scorpio – 1st




Virgo – 11th




Taurus – 7th




Virgo – 11th




Virgo – 11th




Libra – 12th




Scorpio – 1st




Aries – 6th




Aquarius – 4th

Benefic #



Leo – 10th

Benefic #


# Rahu and Ketu turned benefic if they are occupying quadrant as well as in the cusp of strong functional benefic.

 In D9 chart, none of the planet is debilitated barring Rahu and Ketu in their respective houses of debilitation. But, their debilitations have also been cancelled due to the mutual aspect between them fulfilling one of the criterions of cancellation of debilitation.

 Before analyzing the birth chart of this landmark nativity, I would like to explain about the basic astrological requirements towards making a successful career in the field of game and sports with special reference to cricket. 


• Strength of the Ascendant and ascendant lord. The ascendant is the pivot point of a horoscope. The ascendant governs the shape of the body as also strength, stamina, vitality and vigour embedded in our body. It also governs all activities requiring physical endurance. Therefore, a strong ascendant as well as a strong ascendant lord is of first and paramount importance.  

• The strength of third house as well the strength of Mars, who is the natural significator of third house and also giver of raw energy to us, stand next to the importance of Ascendant. The third house represents our hands, shoulder blade, bone, arms and the nervous system and these body parts are required to be strong enough and flexible for a cricketer for putting through his performance. The strength of these body parts in respect of an individual nativity is directly proportionate to the strength of third house.

• Examination of the strength of sixth house vis-à-vis strength of Mars and Saturn, as both is the natural significators of sixth house.  The success in any competitive pursuit is directly proportionate to the strength of sixth house and its lord besides the above two natural significator planets. Apart from these, the sixth house represents our body part waist, which help us to bent and turn our body comfortably in any desired directions. Besides, a strong sixth house is an indicator of a disease free health. All these are essential requirements for success in any game and sports.

• The tenth house besides an important barometer to measure the success in profession, represents our body parts knee, kneecaps, joints and bone. Anybody whosoever is involved in sports and game is aware about the proper functional importance of these limbs of our body. Therefore, the importance of a strong tenth house, strength of its lord vis-à-vis the strength of natural significator planets of tenth house is how vital needs no further elaboration.

• The eleventh house represents our shanks, ankles, shinbone, right leg and left arm besides success and achievements with reasonable effort. The strength to the body parts governed by eleventh house as also that of success and achievement are directly proportionate to the strength of eleventh house and its lord including the strength of the natural significator planet of eleventh house.

• The twelfth house is last but yet another important house in a natal horoscope as it represents our body part feet, which is also equally important for a sportsperson. The strength of feet is directly linked with the strength of twelfth house and its lord.     
      The above are the most important and basic astrological underlying factors, which need to be analysed for forming an astrological opinion about the prospect of a nativity in the field of sports and for that matter cricket, too.
 Now coming back to the astrological analysis of the natal chart of Mr. Anil Kumble, the following are the salient features of his natal chart towards making him a renowned sports personality:

• Ascendant is Scorpio occupied by the 12th lord and functional malefic Venus, but he is in the constellation of functional benefic Jupiter. The Ascendant is aspected by the functional benefic and exalted Moon from 7th house. 

• The Ascendant lord Mars (in the constellation of Sun) is occupying the same house with 10th lord Sun (in the constellation of Mars) and 11th lord Mercury (in the constellation of exalted Moon). As such, there is a distinct relationship between two fiery planets Sun and Mars not only for occupying the same house but also through exchange of constellation. Further, both the planets have also established strong relationship with Mercury not only through association in the same house but by occupying his mooltrikona sign, too. The combination is indicative of a successful engineering background (Sun – Mars combination) in the areas requiring application of mind and mathematics (in the domain of Mercury) as well as a successful sportsperson (Sun – Mars combination). Academically, he is an electronics engineer and publically a renowned sportsperson.

• His 10th house is Leo and the lord of which is in the constellation of Mars coupled with Sun – Mars occupying the 11th house (the house for gain and success) besides engineering as career, is also indicative of success in sports in a focused area of the contemporary days.  11th house is also for luck in sports being 9th from 3rd (the house for sports) and the Mars (the natural significator for sports and engineering) – Sun (the 10th lord/lord of the professional matter in the instant case) is a clear indication of a career in sports and engineering and eloquence there from because of the involvement of the royal planet Sun. The placement of Ketu (IT) in 10th house and aspect of Rahu (IT – Telecom) in 10th house could not have much meaningful bearing on the 10th house signification as they failed to influence the Most Effective Points (MEPs) of the 10th house.

• The third house governs sports and his third lord retrograde Saturn is located in his sign of debilitation in Aries in sixth house counting from the Ascendant. The placement of natural malefic planets like Saturn, Mars and Sun in houses 3, 6 & 11th are always treated to be good under general astrological dogma and in the instant case all these three planets are placed in sixth and eleventh houses. These three planets are also functional benefic planets for this nativity. The debilitation of the third lord retrograde Saturn is cancelled due to the placement of his lord of exaltation sign Venus, in the Ascendant, which are a quadrant as well as a trine house.

• The aspect of 11th lord Mercury on the Most Effective Points of his 5th house helped him in education as also to secure prizes, awards and trophies and thus acted as a coordinator in the path of his success.

• In Moon Lagna chart, the 3rd lord exalted Moon in Ascendant aspected by her sign dispositor Venus. Again, the sign dispositor of Venus is Mars who is in 5th house with 4th lord Sun and 5th lord Mercury causing Parijata Yoga. During the Main Period of Rahu in the Sub Period of Moon in 2007, he was honoured by being appointed as Captain of India’s Test team against Pakistan and Australia. Incidentally, it may be mentioned here that Rahu is in the constellation of Mars and would give atleast 50% result as signified by Mars in the horoscope of this nativity during his main period. It is my own observation and turned out to be true in all my case studies while reading the Dasa result.  

• In D10 chart, the Ascendant is Capricorn (3rd house of the lagna chart) occupied by Saturn (3rd lord in the Lagna chart) and also by Moon (3rd lord in the Moon Chart) and the Saturn aspecting the 3rd house of the Dasamasa pointing towards a sports prominence career.

• The aspect of Yoga Karaka Venus in Dasamasa Lagna encompassing the Lagna lord and Moon posited therein as also their return aspects on Venus compounded with the aspect of Jupiter from 3rd house on Venus denote an excellent career in sports.

• Capricorn being an earthy sign becoming the Lagna of D10 and Ketu occupying the 10th house Libra (an airy sign) of Dasamasa chart with aspect from Lagna Lord Saturn portrays a profession requiring intelligence and application of mind in the field of computer technology in a commercial concern. Ketu signifies career in Information Technology.    
 I have obtained the birth details and some relevant information mentioned in this article about the above sports personality from a book read by me. 
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