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Eclipse 2021

Author: -- | Last Updated: Fri 13 Mar 2020 5:23:41 PM

eclipse 2021, solar eclipse 2021, lunar eclipse 2021

Eclipse 2021 is an extensive page offering the readers of AstroCAMP a record of all eclipses occurring this year. In addition to the list featuring both Solar Eclipse 2021 and Lunar Eclipse 2021, one will also find a treasure chest of information here. Not only are we discussing the dates, timings, duration and visibility of the eclipse 2021, but also addressing the astrological and religious aspects of this celestial event. These include the mythology behind the cause of an eclipse, as well as sutak, its influence on a native, and when sutak for eclipse 2021 will occur. Also, you will know their durations, and what one should and shouldn’t do in this Sutak Period.

This year, there will be a total of four eclipses in the year 2021, out of which, two will be Solar Eclipse 2021, and the other two will be Lunar Eclipse 2021. Let us first take a look at the dates, days, and timings for these Eclipse 2021:

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Solar Eclipse 2021

A solar eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth in its revolutions around the latter. As a result, it causes its shadow to fall on the ground. Due to this, when viewed from our planet, the Sun seems to be obscured partially or totally, thereby giving it the name Solar Eclipse..

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First Solar Eclipse 2021

Date Solar Eclipse Begins Solar Eclipse Ends Type of Eclipse 2021
10 June From 13:42 Till 18:41 Annular Solar Eclipse

Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC. All timings are in IST. This eclipse will not be visible in India, therefore, its Sutak Kaal will not be valid.

The first Solar Eclipse 2021 will be occurring on Thursday, 10 June 2021. This will be an annular solar eclipse, which does not entirely cover the Sun, thus causing it to look like a ring, with the Moon covering the centre of the former. The visibility of the annular Solar eclipse 2021 will be more than that of a partial solar eclipse. This one is especially an unusual one because in general, an eclipse follows the path of the west to east. On the contrary, this Solar Eclipse 2021 will begin its movement from the northeast and then reach south-east across the Arctic. Only the polar regions of our planet can induce such a reversal.

This Annular Solar Eclipse 2021 will be primarily visible in northern parts of Canada, along with Greenland, and Russia. In contrast, it may be seen in northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia. Its visibility in India will be zero.

Second Solar Eclipse 2021

Date Solar Eclipse Begins Solar Eclipse Ends Type of Eclipse 2021
4 December From 10:59 Till 15:07 Total Solar Eclipse

Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC. All timings are in IST. This eclipse will not be visible in India, therefore, its Sutak Kaal will not be valid.

The second Solar Eclipse 2021 will fall on Saturday, 4 December 2021. This will be a total solar eclipse, which covers the Sun completely, letting only slight solar prominences show in the form of a thin ring or even a halo around the dark shadow. Quite the opposite to the annular and partial Solar Eclipses, the visibility range of a Total Solar Eclipse is narrower. Instead, it is visible as a partial eclipse over thousands of kilometres across the surrounding region. This Solar Eclipse 2021 is also an unusual one because unlike the general path of an eclipse from west to east, it will be seen moving from east to west. Only the polar regions of our planet can induce such a reversal.

This Total Solar Eclipse 2021 will be primarily visible in West Antarctica whereas it may be seen as a partial eclipse in southern parts of Africa, South America, and Australia.

Types of Solar Eclipse 2021

Earlier, we mentioned three types of Solar Eclipses and how their visibility ranges vary. Let us take a look at what precisely these eclipses are and how they differ from each other:

Total Solar Eclipse

The term total solar eclipse describes the celestial event where the dark shadow of the Moon seems to cover the Sun so completely that barely a halo of the latter is visible, turning everything completely dark. The Solar Eclipse 2021 falling on 4 December is a total solar eclipse.

Partial Solar Eclipse

The term partial solar eclipse describes the celestial event where the Moon’s shadow obstructs the Sun’s rays only partially. Due to the distance between the Sun and the Moon, the latter is unable to cover the former entirely and is virtually invisible due to the former’s brightness.

Annular Solar Eclipse

The term annular solar eclipse describes the celestial event where the luminary planets of astrology are directly in line with the Earth, however, due to the apparent difference in their sizes, the Moon is unable to cover the Sun entirely. Instead, the Moon conceals the entire centre of the Sun’s disc, leaving a bright ring visible around its dark shadow. The Solar Eclipse 2021 falling on 10 June is an annular solar eclipse.

Lunar Eclipse 2021

A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon, while revolving around the Earth passes through the shadowy parts of the green planet. In simpler terms, it is a celestial event where the Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon, plunging the latter into darkness. As a result of this, when viewed from our planet, the Moon seems to be obscured partially or totally, thereby giving it the name Lunar Eclipse.

Click Here To Read More About Lunar Eclipse 2021

First Lunar Eclipse 2021

Date Lunar Eclipse Begins Lunar Eclipse Ends Type of Eclipse 2021
26 May From 14:17 Till 19:19 Total Lunar Eclipse

Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC. All timings are in IST. Since only the penumbral eclipse of this Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible in India, therefore, its Sutak Kaal will not be valid.

The first Lunar Eclipse 2021 will occur on Wednesday, 26 May 2021. This will be a total lunar eclipse, which will cover the Moon entirely, as it passes through the Earth’s umbra. This is the first Total Lunar Eclipse 2021 after the one in January 2019 and will be visible over a significant portion of the Earth. A vital fact worth noting associated with every Total Lunar Eclipse is that when the Moon passes through the umbra of the Earth’s shadow, it appears red to the viewers on the ground. As a result, this Moon is famously called the Blood Moon.

This Total Solar Eclipse 2021 will be primarily visible in eastern parts of Asia, in addition to Australia, Oceania, most areas of Alaska and Canada, all the lower 48 states, Hawaii, and almost the entire South America. Only the penumbral eclipse will be visible in parts of India, for a brief duration.

Second Lunar Eclipse 2021

Date Lunar Eclipse Begins Lunar Eclipse Ends Type of Eclipse 2021
19 November From 11:32 Till 17:33 Partial Lunar Eclipse

Eclipse Predictions by Fred Espenak, NASA's GSFC. All timings are in IST. This eclipse will not be visible in India, apart from a brief duration of Penumbral Eclipse seen during Moonrise, therefore, its Sutak Kaal will not be valid.

The second Lunar Eclipse 2021 will fall on Friday, 19 November 2021. This will be a partial lunar eclipse. This means that although the Moon will pass through the umbra of the Earth’s shadow, however, a portion of the former will continue to be unaffected by the same. As a result, the totality of the Moon’s surface will not be obstructed by the Earth’s shadow. Yet, a significant part, almost 97% of the Moon will be eclipsed during this event. However, it is worth noting that before our planet’s natural satellite enters the umbra of the Earth, it will first pass the penumbra, causing a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2021. This lunar eclipse will only cause a subtle dimming of the Moon’s surface, and the visible darkening will only occur later. The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 2021 will begin at 11:32 hours IST, almost an hour before the Partial Eclipse begins; and it will come to an end at 17:33 hours IST, more than an hour after the Partial Lunar Eclipse 2021 ends.

This Partial Lunar Eclipse 2021 will be primarily visible in the eastern parts of Asia, alongside Australia, Oceania, northern parts of Europe, and almost the entire Americas on 19 November. However, one will also be able to see the eclipse from some parts of Alaska and Hawaii on 18 November, local time. It will be visible only in parts of Northern and entirety of the North-Eastern India, at Moonrise.

Types of Lunar Eclipse 2021

Earlier, we mentioned three types of Lunar Eclipses 2021. Let us take a look at what precisely these eclipses are and how they differ from each other:

Total Lunar Eclipse

The term total lunar eclipse describes the celestial event where the Moon passes through the umbra of the dark shadow of the Earth. This situation darkens the Moon such that it turns red, giving it the name of Blood Moon. During this scenario, the Earth completely obstructs the Sun’s rays from reaching the Moon. The Lunar Eclipse 2021 falling on 26 May is a total lunar eclipse.

Partial Lunar Eclipse

The term partial lunar eclipse describes the celestial event where the Moon passes through the umbra part of the Earth’s shadow but is not entirely covered by it. As a result, only a portion of the Moon’s obstructs the Sun’s rays only partially. The Lunar Eclipse 2021 falling on 19 November is a partial lunar eclipse.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse

The term penumbral lunar eclipse describes the celestial event where the Moon passes through the penumbral part of the Earth’s shadow instead of the umbral. As a result, instead of the apparent darkening of the Moon, there is a subtle dimming of the Moon’s surface. This is because the penumbra obscures only some of the light of the Sun, whereas the umbra does more of the same. The Lunar Eclipse 2021 falling on 19 November will also be a penumbral lunar eclipse in the beginning, before moving on to enter the umbra and become a Partial Lunar Eclipse 2021.

Eclipse 2021: Sutak Kaal

Ancient scriptures of Hinduism recognize that there is a predefined foreboding time, Sutak Kaal during the solar and lunar eclipses. Any task undertaken in this duration offers only negative impacts and unfriendly outcomes. Therefore, numerous errands are viewed as prohibited in this period. In any case, a few cures performed in Sutak Kaal guarantees that its unsafe impacts do not affect our lives. Let us take a quick look at what one should and should not do during the Sutak Kaal of Eclipse 2021

Calculating the Sutak Kaal or Sutak Period

Before we move on to the do’s and don’ts of the Sutak Kaal, we need to know how to calculate the same, so that we know when this period begins and ends. For this, we need to understand the Hindu system of time calculation rather than the metric system. In Hinduism, time is counted in Prahars. Here one Prahar equals roughly 3 hours. As per these computations, the Sutak Kaal for Solar Eclipse 2021 will begin four prahar before the eclipse, i.e., 12 hours earlier. On the flip side, the Sutak Kaal for Lunar Eclipse 2021 will start 3 prahar before the eclipse, i.e., 9 hours prior.

Sutak Kaal for Eclipse 2021: To Do

  • Yoga and meditation help one avoid the malefic impacts of Sutak Kaal. This is perhaps the best cure since it invigorates you mentally.
  • Exercising is exceptionally helpful during Sutak Kaal as it keeps you physically fit and sound.
  • Pay homage to your Gods and Goddesses once the Sutak Kaal for Eclipse 2021 commences. One can appeal to the Sun God (Surya Deva) during the Solar Eclipse 2021, and the Moon God (Chandra Deva) or Lord Shiva during the Lunar Eclipse 2021.
  • In the Sutak Kaal, light diya (earthen lamps) while revering God and chant the mantras related with them or the ones given below.
  • When the Sutak Period for Eclipse 2021 comes to an end, purge your home by sprinkling Ganga Jal (water from the holy Ganges) all over and cleaning the place with cow dung.
  • Eat freshly cooked meal after the Sutak Period ends.
  • In any case, if food has been cooked before the Sutak Kaal began, don't squander it, and instead, put Tulsi (Basil) leaves in it to purify it.

Sutak Kaal for Eclipse 2021: Not To Do

  • One should remember not to do the following as soon as the Sutak Kaal for Eclipse 2021 begins, as these tasks are prohibited. However, children, older people, those struggling with a severe illness, pregnant women, etc., are exempt from most of these prohibitions:
  • Try not to initiate any new errand in this period, since this isn't a favourable time for the commencement of anything new.
  • Cooking and eating are precluded once Sutak Kaal for Eclipse 2021 begins.
  • Utilizing a blade or scissors is likewise unfavourable.
  • Setting off to the loo is likewise not deemed propitious during the Sutak Period. Subsequently, one should attempt to be finished with nature's call before the duration begins.
  • No contact should be made with the idols of Divine beings during this time.
  • Prurient exercises ought to be abstained from during the Sutak Kaal of Eclipse 2021.
  • Cleaning one's teeth, brushing hair, and so on are additionally viewed as unpropitious.

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Directions for Pregnant Women

Another life takes shape in the womb of pregnant ladies. Thus, they should take more care during the Eclipse 2021, to protect the unborn life from the negative influences of Rahu and Ketu. Among these considerations are avoiding errands like sewing, weaving, embroidery, and so on. This is because it is said that not doing so can unfavourably influence the child's body parts. They should also avoid most works once the Sutak Period begins, and instead chant the following mantras and pray for a healthy child:

Mantra Associated With Solar Eclipse 2021

ॐ आदित्याय विदमहे दिवाकराय धीमहि तन्न: सूर्य: प्रचोदयात

oṃ ādityāya vidamahe divākarāya dhīmahi tanna: sūrya: pracodayāta

Mantra Associated With Lunar Eclipse 2021

ॐ क्षीरपुत्राय विद्महे अमृत तत्वाय धीमहि तन्नो चन्द्रः प्रचोदयात्

oṃ kṣīraputrāya vidmahe amṛta tatvāya dhīmahi tanno candraḥ pracodayāt

Mythology Associated With Eclipse 2021

As per folklore and mythology from ancient scriptures, the eclipse happens because the head and body of a demon, namely Rahu and Ketu, are rendering retribution on their foes, the Sun and the Moon. There is a story behind the commencement of their ill will. It is said that a long time ago, the Samundra Manthan (Churning of the Ocean) was going on between the Devas (Gods) and Asuras (Demons). Because of this, 14 gems came out of the Kshirasāgara (Ocean of Milk). One of these 14 pearls, was the Amrit – the nectar of eternality.

At the point when the Gods and the Demons began battling to drink the nectar, the Demons had the option to grab the urn (Kalash) of Amrit from the Gods. On the off chance that the devils drank the nectar, things would become incredibly risky for the Universe. Therefore, to stop them and the apparent end of the Shrishti, Lord Vishnu appeared as a delightful apsara (nymph) named Mohini. Narayana, in his Mohini form, enchanted the demons and caused them to consent to the condition that both the gatherings will drink the nectar.

Nonetheless, when Mohini was offering a beverage to both the Devas and Asuras, slyly, she offered Amrit to the Devas and wine to the Asuras. At that very moment, on finding his ploy, a devil named Swarbhanu sat with the Lords to drink the nectar. When his opportunity to drink came, the Lords Sun and Moon recognized him and outed him to Lord Vishnu.

As a result, Narayana promptly utilized his Sudarshana Chakra to remove the Swarbhanu’s head. However, by that point, the demon had already taken a swallow of the Amrit. This one sip was sufficient to beget him with immortality. Regardless of the nectar, however, his body was presently cut into two – his head had fallen away from the body. Therefore, his head was newly named Rahu, and his body, Ketu.

It is accepted that Rahu and Ketu deliver retribution on their foes, the Sun and the Moon, by putting an Eclipse on them.

We Hope That This Article On Eclipse 2021 Was Helpful For You! AstroCamp Wishes You A Safe Year Ahead!

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