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Mukesh Ambani Horoscope Reading (2)

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Tue 2 Nov 2010 4:31:11 PM

By Suchitra Das

In my previous article while making analysis of the birth chart of this landmark nativity, I dwelt at length on the various astrological aspects of the nativity starting from the planetary position at birth, relevant yogas (auspicious planetary combinations), inheritance of legacies and his capabilities of successfully piloting the same to higher highs, etc with the help of Natal Chart, Navamsa chart, Dwadasamsha chart as well as Asthakavarga table.

In this part of my article, I would make an attempt to analysis the financial affluence of this landmark nativity with the help of Hora Chart followed by analysis of his Dasamasa chart (for professional affluence).


Moon Hora
Rahu and Ketu
Sun Hora

The deity of the Hora is Pitr/Manes, which is indicative of the fact that the soul of the nativity is of someone from the ancestors. The presence of the natural benefic planets like Jupiter and Mercury in the Moon Hora points towards the fact that the native is sober, good-natured and serves his family. Following are the salient features emerged from the analysis of his Hora Chart.

  • The Hora Lagna belongs to Moon, which indicates that the native would earn wealth in land far away from his place of birth. It may be mentioned here that the native took birth at Aden (Yemen), which is far off from India. Since he has born in Moon Hora, he is virtuous, religious, helpful to others, has name and fame in the society as well as commands regards and affection of his subordinate staff.
  • The two natural benefic planets Venus and Moon while occupying odd signs in Natal Chart are posited in Sun Hora in D-2 chart making the native soft, mild, sober, intelligent and conferred the happiness of the continuity of wealth.
  • Three natural malefic planets viz. Mars and Saturn including Sun in Sun Hora turning the native to be bold, courageous, determined, powerful and rich. But, since Saturn and Mars are posited in even signs in the Natal Chart, their benefic results of the traits represented by the Hora Chart would be capped to the maximum extent of 70%.
  • The natural significator of wealth Jupiter in Moon’s Hora who is also posited in an odd sign in the Natal Chart helped the native to become fortunate besides brilliant, religious, attractive and a devoted friend.
  • The natural malefic planets Rahu and Ketu are in Moon’s Hora and they have thus become neutral losing their evil effects to a large extent.
  • The Hora chart is, therefore, supportive to the 2nd house signification of wealth in the natal chart. The 2nd house of wealth in the Natal Chart is already fortified due to the presence of Yoga Karaka Saturn in it and aspected by its lord Mars (lord of 2nd and 7th house/MT).


The professional affluence, which also include business, is assessed from the strength of the 10th house, if containing a Mooltrikona sign, as well as assessing the strength of the 7th house for business in the Natal chart side-by-side reading of planetary promises in Dasamasa chart. Here, is the Dasamasa chart of this famous nativity.

In the natal chart, 10th house is Cancer, the Mooltrikona sign of Moon. Therefore, Moon is the primary determinant of professional matter. There is no secondary determinant of professional matter in absence of any Mooltrikona sign in the Ascendant of D-10 chart. The sign Cancer and its dispositor Moon both are watery in nature and are thus the significators of all liquid materials which include water, sea, petroleum products, import and export through waterways, etc. Moon is in the nakshtra of Ketu (the planet for import) and in the sub of Saturn (the planet for crude, refineries as well as yoga karaka planet for this natal chart). In the natal chart, the Moon is being aspected by Jupiter (the planet of wealth from 11th house, the house for success and materialistic gains), Mars (the lord of the 2nd house of wealth and 7th house business from 8th house, the house of inheritance) and Ketu (the planet for import who has also assumed the yoga karaka stature as already explained in Part-I of this article). Moreover, Moon (the primary determinant of professional matter) is in a fiery sign Sagittarius ruled by the friendly planet Jupiter who is also aspecting the Moon. Here, crude needs to be heated in different temperature to make various petroleum products. A nice combination of liquid and fire. In D-10 chart also, Moon is in sign Pisces (watery sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet for wealth) being aspected by yoga karaka Saturn (from 9th house, the house for luck and fortune). In Dasamasa chart, the ascendant being Taurus, here also Saturn is the Yoga Kara planet who is occupying his own sign Capricorn (the 10th house of the natural zodiac). Moreover, Moon is occupying the Dasamasa of Jupiter, who is in turn in the Ascendant of D-10 chart. Therefore, the primary significator of professional matter here played the role model to spell out the area of success for professional matter in respect of this famous nativity. Moreover, Mars, the lord of the 7th house (the house for business) in the Natal chart is aspecting the Ascendant of D-10 chart from the Mooltrikona sign (Libra) of the corporate planet Venus, who is already playing a big role as Ascendant lord of the Natal Chart and being posited in the house of business. All these favourable planetary combinations made this famous nativity a big corporate of international name and fame.

In the natal chart, the 7th house (the seat for business and enterprises) is exceptionally strong in comparison to the 6th house (the house for service) due to the following reasons.

  • Atleast 4 planets are occupying the 7th house (the house for business and enterprises) in comparison to none in 6th house (the house for service).
  • The planets occupying the 7th house are Sun (kingly planet), Mercury (the planet of trading and retail), Venus (the corporate planet) and Ketu (the planet who assumed yoga karaka stature because of the positions already explained in Part-I of my article). Moreover, the 7th house (the house for business and enterprises) is being aspected by witty Rahu (the planet for export and maneouvering) besides by Jupiter, the natural significator of wealth from 11th house (the house for materialistic gain and success).
  • In addition, in the natal chart, Rahu (the planet for export), Ketu (the planet for import) and Mercury (the planet for trading/business) are influencing the Most Effective Points (MEPs) of the 7th house and Ascendant either through aspects or occupations.
  • All the planets in the D-10 chart are well placed and fortified with Jupiter being Dikbali (acquired directional strength). There are also mutual aspects between Mars (the lord of the 7th house of Natal Chart) and Yoga Kara Saturn in the Dasamasa chart.
  • The list of favourable planetary combinations for professional and financial affluences in respect of this nativity is long and wide and cannot be discussed all due to obvious space crunch.

In my next astrological article (Part-III) on this renowned industrialist, I would discuss the planetary promises in his following important divisional charts.

  • Division Four chart, also known as D-4 or Chaturthamsha chart, which is used as an astrological tool to assess the planetary promises for immovable property (landed properties and houses).
  • Division Three chart, also known as D-3/Decanate or Drekkana/Dreshkon chart, in order to assessing the level of courage, initiative, enterprises, communication skill and fortune of younger coborns.
  • Further discussion on Division Twelve chart, also known as D-12 or Dwadasamsha chart, which is studied to know about the predecessors, their longevity and comfort, social and financial standing and amount of happiness one can derive from them including the level of inheritance.
  • Division Sixteen chart, also known as D-16 or Shodasamsha chart, which is the 2nd harmonic of the 4th house (first being the division four). This divisional chart put focuses on the happiness (4th house) of the mind (2nd harmonic) through the experiences from luxuries and material comforts like vehicles, etc. The acquisition of immovable properties and happiness from them come under its purview.
  • The astrological analysis of the result of Vimshottari Maha Dasas in respect of this renowned nativity.

(To be continued)

To consult astrologer Suchitra Das, please click here.

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