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Swami Vivekanand : An analysis of genius horoscope

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Fri 20 Aug 2010 4:05:47 PM

Swami Vivekanand : An analysis of genius horoscope

VGR Pavan

India, our mother country has been giving birth to the most “influential” Philosophical and Spiritual giants from the times immemorial. They from time to time appeared before the scene and made their significant contribution for the revival of traditions and to covey the message of the “East” all over the world. One such an incarnation during the 19th century is “Swami Vivekananda” the Sishyaratna of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He is a spiritual lion whose roar shook the entire gamut of the philosophy in India and abroad. He is he messenger who took the message from the Eastern philosophy to the western part of the world and filled the gaps in their ideology. (It is not an exaggeration to say so because John Henry Wright commented about swamiji “Here is a man who is more learned than all of our learned professors put together”). You may also read Swami Vivekananda's complete works in Hindi here.

Let us find the astrological combinations that made this noble sole a genius and the world renowned personality. He was reported to have born on 12-01-1863 a few minutes before sunrise (06.33 hrs) hrs at simlapalli Calcutta. The ascendant falls in Sagittarius in Venus Star and Kethu sub for that time, but a few minutes after that Capricorn rises, thus there may be a shadow of doubt whether he might have born in Capricorn Ascendant.

I note the Ruling planets at the time of reading this horoscope they are, Asc position: Saturn-Moon and Moon position: Venus-Sun, Daylord: Mercury. Thus I think that Saturn might be his ascendant lord and Sun the star lord. But Jupiter is aspecting Saturn, Venus, Sun at the time of Judgment again there is confusion. Meanwhile I got a phone and I had to judge a person’s horoscope and I noted his ruling planets as Asc position : Jupiter- Venus; Moon position : Sun-Venus and his day lord is Jupiter exactly tallying with the Ascendant position of Swami Vivekananda. Guruji Sri KSK points that whenever there is a dilemma to pin point and spontaneously we were presented with a horoscope for analysis the Ruling planets for that horoscope will give the clue, as it is “God sent “. It is true to the letter.    
As usual as per KP to become a Sanyasi/ Monk ones has his Ascendant sub lord signifying 3,12 houses and connected to Saturn/Kethu. Here for Swamiji Ascendant sub lord is Kethu (Moksha Karaka) in Taurus in Moon star and Venus sub. Moon is with Saturn the starlord for 3rd cusp and Venus is the sublord for the 12th cusp. Kethu also rules the star the cusp of the 12th house.  Here Jupiter the lord of3,12 is in 9th house and there is no planet I the stars or subs of Jupiter.

Here I wish to bring the kind attention of the readers to the fact that in KP to be more accurate in our prediction we should remember that we need not have the Four fold significators for the houses to be the dasa and bhukthi lords whenever an event happens some times even the cuspual co rulers can do well. Here Jupiter is the single significator for 3,12 houses but it is true that he made a lot of journey during Rahu dasa. Rahu in the star of Mercury the 7th lord (break journeys) and 9th lord (long journeys), Mercury is the sub lord for 3rd house and conjoined with Venus the 12th sublord. Rahu is aspected by Saturn who is the star lord for 3rd house and an occupant of 9th house. Rahu also denotes Mars who is aspected by Jupiter is also a good point. (the above is my humble opinion only)

Strong Moon connected with Saturn or posited in the sub of Saturn enables one to concentrate says our Guruji Sri KSK. Here Moon is with Saturn and posited in own star and the sub of Saturn and both are in 9th house the house of Wisdom.

The notable feature in Swamiji is his fiery speech. Second cusp falls in Mars star and Mercury sub. Mars is in own sign and strong and aspected by the truthful and philosophical Jupiter. Mercury is with polite Venus and in the star of Moon who is with Saturn (Spiritual and Mythological) and Mars sub. The sub position of Mars enables the Mercury to reflect what exactly Mars is promising by being in his own fiery spot. Mercury diverts this mesmerizing quality to his 7th (audience) and 9th (philosophers) houses. He often challenged and turned him argumentative with a lot of people because of this Martian tendency.

His memory is awesome, as his 5th sub lord is also Mercury in an Earthy sign and trined by the sign lord, the preserving Saturn. He has in-depth knowledge and authority on various religions and mythology. His study and understanding of Vedas and other scriptures at his tender age proves his ability. The signification of 9th house through his ownership and stellar position, Mercury becomes all the more powerful and Swamiji has complete control over his senses.

He met his Guru (Spiritual master), Sri Paramahamsa during November-1881 in the dasa of Rahu and Bhukthi of Saturn and Anthara of Rahu himself.. Mars the 11th lord is in the star of Kethu (the strong significator for 9th house) and Rahu the representative of Mars the 11th lord and a strong significator of 9th house fulfilled his desire. Saturn the 9th occupant in the star of Moon and in the sub of Rahu (also aspecting Rahu) strongly signifies 9,11 houses at sub level. Thus in the conjoined period of significators for 9,11 he met his Guru Paramahamsa. Rahu was transiting over his natal position then and Saturn was in the star of Venus and in the sub of Moon in retro, both Rahu and Saturn are in Mars signs. It is a notable point that Paramahamsa was also born in Aquarius Asc with Moon in Aquarius also. So Saturn is a powerful Ruling planet for him.

After the Maha Samadhi of his Guruji (1887), he became parivrajaka or the wandering monk in the year 1888 during the period of Rahu-Venus period. Rahu is very strong for 3rd house by being in the star of Mercury who is 3rd cusp star lord and aspectd by Saturn the 3rd star lord. Venus the bhukthi lord is the 12th sublord and posited in the sub of Kethu. As said earlier Kethu is the Asc sub lord and Mokhsa karaka. During  this year Rau transits in Cancer and aspected by transiting Jupiter and Jupiter transiting over the natal Rahu.

He flew for the foreign trip in July-1893, in the main and sub period of Jupiter. As said earlier Jupiter is the 3,12 lord and permits foreign trip. Jupiter was transiting in the star of Sun in Taurus and trining the 9th cusp from there. Sun will be transiting in Jupiter star in Mercury sign.

Jupiter in the star of Mars (11th lord) and sub of Venus (lord of 10th) in their conjoined period (jup-jup-ven) gave him a wide popularity in that foreign land which called him the “cyclonic monk from India”. For success in foreign land 12th cusp sublord should signify developing houses like 1,3,6,10,11 houses. Here 12th sublord is Venus the 10th lord in 1 in the star of Sun in 1st house and sub of Kethu who denotes 5, 10 houses. Venus is with Mercury the 6th lord. Thus the connection of 1,6,10 houses made him a big success over there in the conjoined period of significators for 1, 10, 11 houses. Every one knows hoe Chicago parliament applauded and praised him.

He came to India during 1897 and again returned to UK and then to USA in 1899 with a health setback. It was the period pf Jupiter-Mercury. Jupiter was not only the lord of the Asc. But also the 12th lord and trining the sixth cusp and sextile to 8th cusp. He is in the sign and sub of Venus who is conjoined with Mercury the 6th lord and Jupiter is also aspected by Mars the star lord of the 6th cusp. Mercury the bhukthi lord is the lord as well as sub lord of the 6th cusp and occupying Asc. He is also the Badaka lord hence Swamiji developed ill health.. He suffered with Asthma, Diabetics in later years. Moon and Saturn afflicting the 3rd cusp is an indication of Asthma and Mercury the 6th lord and sublord is with Venus and Jupiter in Libra afflicted by being in the star of Mars the 6th star lord are the reasons for Diabetics. He again came back to India in 1900 after a tour of Europe and continued his lectures and tours till 1902.

Swamiji took Maha Samadhi on 04-07-1902 at 9.10 PM when he was running the period of Jupiter-Venus-Mercury. Jupiter the Ascendant and 12th lord is in 9th house in the star of Mars and sub of Venus. Venus is in 1 with Mercury the Badaka lord. Mars and Mercury is the star and sub lords of 2nd cusp respectively. Jupiter is in trine to 2nd cusp and sextile to 12th cusp. Jupiter is also star lord on the cusp of 7th cusp. Venus the bhukthi lord is in the star of Sun in 1 and lord of 8th house and in Kethu sub. Kethu is the sublord for 7th cusp. Venus is with Mercury the Badaka lord and 2nd cusp sublord.

The day was Friday and Moon just entered the star of Rahu. (it is a significant thing to note that Rahu is the only planet in the star of Mercury the Maraka and Badaka lord.)

Sun is in the star of Rahu also. Jupiter in the star and sub of Mars and conjoined with Saturn. Venus is in Moon star and Rahu sub. Mercury is in the star of Mars and sub of Venus. All these transits are in perfect harmony with the rules of KP.

Mother loves all her children but no doubt loves more the child who understands her and follows her. Mother of this holy country will be proud of child like “Swami Vivekananda”. He shines forever in the sky of philosophy along with his master. He will be always alive in all his preaching and inspiring teachings. Salutes to his Noble Soul ! Pranams to Guruji Sri KSK and my lord Uchishta Mahaganapathy…

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