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Teachers' Day & Its Importance

Author: Bala Mishra | Last Updated: Fri 2 Sep 2011 3:56:59 PM

When is Teachers Day

By Bala Mishra

“It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.” -Unknown

You know what this means if you’re a teacher and if you’ve ever felt likewise for your teacher. A word of thanks for a teacher is worth a zillion, if tomorrow someday somewhere you stand tall telling someone ‘hey you know what, I’m whoever I am today because of my teacher”. You don’t really need an occasion to tell your teachers what you owe to them but in the hustle bustle of our lives Teachers day, is just the right day to walk down the memory lane and say thanks to them. If you’re wondering when is Teachers Day? This year, 2013 or what’s teachers Day all about you’re just at the right place.

When is Teachers Day, 2013

It is celebrated in almost all countries of the world, though on different dates. Each of the countries pays tribute to the teachers in its own way, on its own special way. When is teacher’s day celebrated in India? Well, Teacher’s Day in India is celebrated on September 5, every year. Indian Teachers Day is dedicated to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, who was a staunch believer of education and was one of the greatest scholars and teachers of all times, apart from being the President of India. As a tribute to this great teacher, his birthday [5 September 1888] (is observed as Teachers Day in India. The usual activities and classes are replaced by activities of celebration, thanks and remembrance. At some schools on this day, the responsibility of teaching is taken up by the senior students to show appreciation for their teachers.

Our teachers play a vital role in shaping our overall personality. On this occasion let’s recall all our teachers who with a chalk and board, teaches us the lessons of life. In the small world of our school, our teachers give us a glimpse of the world waiting to be explored out of school. They instill in our minds - the skills of a sports champion in the smallest of the classrooms, the discipline of life and they inculcate in the us the virtues of life. Putting us through grill, punishing at times at times being strict, they bring out the best in us like a true friend philosopher and guide.

Why celebrate Teachers' Day?

When is teachers day, being answered let us try understand why at all celebrate this day. The Guru-Shishya Parampara has been an integral part of our history. Remember the tales about Guru Drona Charya and Arjun, the tale of Eklavya .Lord Krishna the man who gave Arjuna the lesson of Bhagwat Geeta on the battle field of Kurukshetra. Chankya the man who saw the dream of a united India and molded the young mind of Chandra Gupta , a threat to Alexander .Indian History bears testimony to have always held teachers in great respect and we continue the league especially when come September and we start asking “when is Teachers Day” , ready to thank them in our own sweet way.

5th of September came to be selected as Teachers Day in India when former Indian president and teacher Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan , during his tenure as a president, was approached by his students and friends and was asked to celebrate 5th September, his birthday. He addressed them saying that instead of celebrating his birthday they rather observe this day as the Teacher's Day. Thanking teachers for their invaluable contribution to shaping lives and society. From then onwards, this day is celebrated as the Teacher's Day. Now that we know when is teachers day, let me conclude in the words of Albert Pike, "What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal." His words hold so true for teachers, whose work live long after they leave this world. Their values continue to live through their students.

Glimpse at Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnans' Kundali:

What made Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan a renowned personality?

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an acclaimed scholar renowned teacher and writer of his time. He worked as a representative of very many renowned foreign universities and achieved universal respect and popularity. He was born on 5th September, 1888 at 11:43am at Tirothani, a small place next to Chennai.
A quick glimpse at hi Kundali will show us what made him so respected, popular and loved by people.

According to astrology, to be a renowned scholar one needs to have a really powerful ‘brahaspati’ , ‘shanni’ and’ boodh’. Shanni makes one patient, boodh increases ones power of understanding and makes one an intelligent being, whereas ‘guru’ symbolizes knowledge attained. At the same time the’ Lagan’ needs to be is powerful in the fifth, ninth and eleventh house.

In this kundli fourth house is sitting in the sub lord Suns’ nakshatra and shukr is sitting in the sub of bodh. Thes Sun is ruling the tenth house and situated there. Budh is sitting in the the eleventh house and situated in Suns’ Nakshatra. Shanni I is looking at shukra from the sight of Budh, which in turn is sighted by guru the ruler of the second house. That explains why Dr.Sarvapalli Radhakrishnans destined high education during ‘Shukra Mahadasha’. Guru is with Mangal that is ruling the sixth house. This in Darshan-shastr reflects his success at post graduation level. Destined to be an inspiration, for generations to come, Dr sarvapalli Radhakrishnan is indeed a gem whose aura spreads beyond boundaries and all ages. Three cheers!! To all Teachers!!

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