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Muhurat 2022 - Shubh Muhurat Dates, Timings

Author: -- | Last Updated: Wed 15 Sep 2021 3:41:50 PM

Muhurat 2022 (Shubh Muhurat 2022) by AstroCAMP will give you complete information about the auspicious time, day and date to carry out all important works, projects and ceremonies and how to calculate the auspicious muhurat. Along with this, we offer you a detailed insight into different types of Muhurta and important elements that must be taken into consideration while calculating it.

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हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें: मुहूर्त 2022

Auspicious Muhurat 2022 As Per Vedic Astrology

In Hinduism, there has been a long-term tradition of choosing the auspicious time or shubh muhurat for performing any auspicious task, ritual or ceremony. Before performing every task that is of great importance in our life, we evaluate and consider an auspicious time by calculating the placement and movement of planets and constellations by a pundit or astrologer. According to astrology, an auspicious muhurat or time is finalised when the position of planets and constellations in the solar system is placed favorably. It is believed that if we carry out such auspicious tasks during an auspicious muhurat after calculating the auspicious position of planets and constellations, then we attain special success in that task.

Below mentioned are some of the Muhurats in 2022 that should be taken care of. You can click on them to read in detail and find out auspicious 2022 Muhurats.

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Importance Of Calculating Auspicious Muhurat Dates In 2022

Anything done by a native is expected to incur fruitful results. As per Vedic Astrology, performing any task, ceremony or ritual during an auspicious muhurat or time, date and day helps you incur great success in your endeavours. The tradition of observing an auspicious muhurat has been going on since the Vedic period. It is believed that if any work is carried out in an auspicious time, then there is a possibility of it succeeding it. At the same time, that task, ceremony or ritual gets completed without any hindrance.

In simple words, when all the planets and nakshatras or constellations are favourably placed and delivering auspicious results, then such a time is considered to be auspicious for initiating any task, ceremony or ritual. However in today's runaway life or one can say that in this modern age, one chooses time as per his/her convenience rather than getting it evaluated after assessing the movement of planets and constellations. You must have seen that despite hard work, good planning and right schedule, sometimes we do not attain desired success in any work. The main reason behind this failure is not adhering to an auspicious period. The selection of an auspicious time or its importance has been highlighted in the scriptures.

How To Calculate Shubh Muhurat In 2022?

Vedic Astrology provides detailed information about every subject. If we talk about calculating an auspicious time or Shubh Muhurat, then some important points are taken into consideration, which is as follows:

  1. Date
  2. Day
  3. Yoga, Inauspicious or Auspicious
  4. Nakshatra
  5. Karan
  6. Navgrahas or Nine Planets
  7. Malamas
  8. Adhik Maas
  9. Venus and Jupiter Combustion
  10. Bhadra
  11. Lagna
  12. Rahu Kaal

After calculating all these important yogas, an auspicious time or Shubh Yoga is evaluated. According to the scriptures, if any work is carried out during an inauspicious muhurat churned out from an inauspicious yoga, then its outcome is neither successful nor fruitful.

So let us now tell you how many types of Muhurat are there present and which of them are auspicious and which are inauspicious -

Types and Nature Of Different Muhurats

According to Hindu Panchang or Calendar, there are a total of 30 Muhurats, of which the first arriving Muhurta is called "Rudra". It begins as early as 6 AM in the morning and is considered to be an inauspicious time period. After that, “Ahi” is known to be the second Muhurta and begins 48 minutes after the beginning of Rudra Muhurat. On this line, a piece of quick information about all the kinds of Muhurats and their nature is being provided to you through the table below. Kindly know that the duration of all these muhurats is 48 minutes only.

Name of the Muhurat Nature
Rudra Inauspicious
Ahi Inauspicious
Mitra Auspicious
Pitra Inauspicious
Vasu Auspicious
Varaha Auspicious
Vishwadeva Auspicious
Vidhi Auspicious (Except Monday and Friday)
Sutamukhi Auspicious
Puruhut Inauspicious
Vahini Inauspicious
Naktanakara Inauspicious
Varun Auspicious
Aryaman Auspicious (Except Sunday)
Bhaga Inauspicious
Girish Inauspicious
Ajapada Inauspicious
Ahir Budhnya Auspicious
Pushya Auspicious
Ashwini Auspicious
Yam Inauspicious
Agni Auspicious
Vidhartha Auspicious
Kanda Auspicious
Aditi Auspicious
Jeev/Amrit Extremely Auspicious
Vishnu Auspicious
Dyumadgadyuti Auspicious
Brahma Extremely Auspicious
Samudram Auspicious

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Shubh Muhurat 2022: Five Branches Of A Panchang

For calculating any auspicious time or Shubh Muhurat, the five elements of the Hindu Panchang have a very important role to play. These five parts are "Tithi, Var, Nakshatra, Yoga and Karana". So let us tell you in detail about these five parts of the Panchang-

  1. Tithi or Date

According to the Panchang, there are a total of 30 dates in a month, out of which 15 dates or Tithis fall during Krishna Paksha and 15 Tithia during Shukla Paksha. Tithi or Date is considered to be the most important element in Vedic Panchang, which prevails from one sunrise to another. Sometimes two dates fall on the same day. Of these, the date which doesn’t remain effective till sunrise is called “Kshaya Tithi”, and the date which prevails for two consecutive sunrises is called "Vrisshi Tithi". Let us tell you the names of all the dates as per Shukla Paksha and Krishna Paksha.

  • Dates as per Krishna Paksha: Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchami, Shashti, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, Amavasya

  • Dates as per Shukla Paksha: Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchami, Shashti, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, Purnima

  1. Var or Day

According to the Vedic Hindu Panchang, a total of seven vars or days are prevalent and observed in a week. Their names are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. All the days possess their own special and distinct nature and are given special importance while calculating the auspicious time or muhurat for any auspicious task. Performing any special religious work on Tuesday out of the seven days of the week is considered to be forbidden. On the other hand, Sunday and Thursday are considered to be the best in many ways.

  1. Nakshatra or Constellation

According to the Vedic Panchang, the total number of constellations or nakshatras is 27. Let us tell you the names of all the constellations and their ruling lords-

Name of the Nakshatras: Ashwini, Bharani, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigashira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Mool, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravan, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati

Nakshatras and their Ruling Planets

  • Ketu - Ashwini Nakshatra, Magha Nakshatra, Moola Nakshatra

  • Venus - Bharani Nakshatra, Purva Phalguni Nakshatra, Purvashada Nakshatra

  • Sun - Krittika Nakshatra, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra, Uttarashada Nakshatra

  • Moon - Rohini Nakshatra, Hasta Nakshatra, Shravana Nakshatra

  • Mars - Mrigashira Nakshatra, Chitra Nakshatra, Dhanishtha Nakshatra

  • Rahu - Ardra Nakshatra, Swati Nakshatra, Shatabhisha Nakshatra

  • Jupiter - Punarvasu Nakshatra, Vishakha Nakshatra, Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

  • Saturn - Pushya Nakshatra, Anuradha Nakshatra, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

  • Mercury - Ashlesha Nakshatra, Jyestha Nakshatra, Revathi Nakshatra

  1. Yoga

The fourth and important element in the Panchang given high significance while calculating a Shubh Muhurat is Yoga. A total of 27 Yogas have been stated based on the position of the Sun and Moon. These yogas have their own distinct importance while evaluating any Muhurat. Out of all these 27 Yogas, the number of extremely inauspicious yogas is nine, while at the same time, all others are also considered auspicious apart from these nine. According to astrology, performing any auspicious task during these nine inauspicious yogas is considered prohibited. Let us tell you in detail about all the 27 Yogas and their characteristics:

  • Auspicious Yoga: Preeti, Ayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhan, Sukarma, Dhriti, Vriddhi, Dhruv, Harshan, Siddhi, Variyan, Shiv, Siddh, Sadhya, Shubh, Shukla, Brahma, Aindra, Vaidhriti

  • Inauspicious Yoga: Vishkumbha, Atigand, Shool, Gand, Vyaghata, Vajra, Vyatipata, Parigh

  1. Karana

It is also very important to assess the state of Karana at the time of calculation of the auspicious Muhurat in 2022. There are two Karanas in a date, or it can be understood that the first half of the date or tithi is called Karana, which resorts to two Karanas in a date to Tithi. According to the Panchang, there are 11 Karanas in total, four of which are of the stable or fixed nature of Karan, while the remaining 7 Karanas are of movable nature. Let's know all about 11 Karan and their nature:

  • Fixed Karana: Kinstughan, Shakuni, Nag, Chatushpad

  • Movable Karana: Bava/Bhav, Baalav, Kaulav/Kolav, Gar, Tetil, Vanij, Vishti/Bhadra

Out of all the Karanas, it is considered taboo to perform any auspicious task or ceremony during the Vishti and Bhadra Karana since they are considered to inauspicious.

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Do's During Auspicious Muhurat in 2022

In Hinduism, an auspicious time or shubh muhurat is required to carry out any good or religious work. People seek the guidance of a Pundit or Astrologer to perform such events or ceremonies successfully during an auspicious muhurat. On the same line, you can perform some auspicious tasks in order to gain a fruitful outcome: starting a new job or business, performing important rituals like Namkaran, Mundan, Marriage, Vidyarambh, etc. in order to get better results in the future. During an auspicious muhurat in 2022, you can also lay the foundation of any shop or house, enter your newly constructed or bought house, and much more.

Nowadays, people also fill their application form for any examination, competition, or job during the auspicious time, so that they can turn out to be successful in those endeavors. Even when it comes to going on any journey and pilgrimage etc., an auspicious time should be selected, so that your journey remains safe. Buying and wearing gold jewelery, precious clothes, or purchasing a vehicle, etc. should also be done during an auspicious muhurat in order to reap good results. Apart from this, a lot of people bathe before performing any religious ceremony or act during such pious time periods. Doing all such acts during a shubh muhurat in 2022 will help you incur prosperity, peace, and happiness in life.

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