Just like adding some spices in any vegetable makes it tasty, similarly, even a little bit of sadness at times plays a very important role in incurring positivity in our lives. Because without any misery in life, perhaps we will not be able to enjoy the real price of happiness. So in times of despair, try to keep yourself as healthy as possible this week by being calm. Due to Rahu being placed in the ninth house with respect to the moon sign this week, if you are associated with business, you will keep thinking about your investment. You are advised not to make any illegal investment; otherwise, you might get stuck in a big trouble. Along with this, there are possibilities of financial benefits if you are in a partnership business. This week, you will have to perform several family and household tasks, which will make you more tired. In such a situation, do not put all your energy on a single task, and do every task slowly and properly. During this time, if needed, you can also take help of other members of the household. Due to Saturn being placed in the eighth house with respect to the moon sign at the workplace, do not force others to do such work which even you won’t like to pursue. This is because at this time, selfishness will increase in your nature. Because of this, you can be seen assigning any useless work to the personnel working under you, using your power incorrectly. This week many students can achieve any major success through social media. For this, they will need to work hard to achieve their goals, as well as ensure every work properly with patience. Therefore, you are advised to use the platform instead of chatting with friends on social media. Remedy: Chant “Om Mandaya Namaha” daily 44 times.
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