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Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope


According to the Monthly Horoscope 2024, there are chances that this month will be moderately villainous. You have to maintain special caution in some areas of life. Like health, you have to take special care of your health as your health may become weak. Arguments and verbal fights may occur in spite of progressive intensity in love relationships. However, there will be good news for the married natives that their relationship will be full of romance. However you have to be careful that your egos may not clash. The natives doing a job will take less interest in their jobs due to which some wrong may happen in the job. Therefore, you will have to concentrate on your work, otherwise there will be chances of problems. This month is likely to be favorable for the natives doing business. You will have to try to establish relations with the government sector to take your business forward and your business partners can also help in this. There will be ups-and downs in the family life of the Sagittarius natives. Harmony will reduce in the family due to which you will be slightly bothered. The students will get a chance to learn something new with curiosity and your concentration will also increase. However, the atmosphere around you and family conditions may create some hindrances in your education. You will be successful in the second part of the month if you want to study abroad.


This month will be full of ups-and-downs with respect to the career point-of-view. The natives doing a job may face some problems. Nodal Planet Ketu will be present in the tenth house for the whole month, due to which situation will be created where you will find less interest in your work and you may delay your work and shift it to the next day instead of today.There are chances of irregularities in your work due to chaos and if this happens then it may be a difficult time for your job and you may also have to incur the wrath of your superiors. Therefore, you should be very careful and concentrate on your work. The lord of the sixth house Planet Venus will be present in the seventh house in the first half of the month. They will help you to some level but it will transit in your eighth house from 7th July. These conditions may grant some problems in your job and you may feel that it is time to change your job. If you are doing a business then the first half of the month will be good. Venus and Sun will be present in the seventh house and Mercury will be in the eighth house. There will be progress in business and your relationship with business institutions will increase. With the help of a business partner, there will be chances of progress in your business. By establishing some kind of relationship with the government sector, you can be successful in progressing your business in a new direction. There will be ups and downs in some business situations during the month, Venus and Sun will move to the eighth house and you may face interruption in your work. The lord of your tenth house, will move to your ninth house in Leo on July 19, due to which there will be progress in the business. You will have to undertake business trips. Traveling will boost your morale and lead to success in your business.


This month will be full of ups-and-downs if we look at your financial situation. Planet Jupiter will remain present in the sixth house for the whole month due to which you will have to spend on good things. You will make expenses but money will also be spent on the Worship and recitation of religious scriptures and on religious places. You may also spend on the needs of your home and on the health of the elderly. This month will be appropriate for taking any kind of loan, but if you want to repay any loan then the latter half of the month will be more favorable. In that duration you will try to repay your loan anyhow ,this will benefit you. The lord of the second house Planet saturn will increase your courage and might. Due to which you can gain monetary benefits with the help of your strength and efforts. The lord of the eleventh house Planet Venus will remain present in the seventh house of your birth chart due to which you can get monetary gains with the help of your life partner and yogas for money gain will be created from your business. But, you have to make expenses on your life partner. You can receive some monetary benefit due to the sudden movement of Planet Venus in the eighth house of your birth chart but your expenses may also increase. So, you have to focus on the right management of your money.


According to the July Monthly Horoscope 2024, this month may give somewhat weak results with respect to the health point-of-view because your zodiac lord Jupiter will be present in the sixth house for the whole month which is also the disease house. The problems related to liver, kidney-related diseases, and rain-borne diseases like increase in the cholesterol may bother you. Planet Mercury will stay in the eighth house of your birth chart at the beginning of the month and Venus and Sun will also come in the eighth house of your birth chart in the second half of the month and Planet Mars will come into the sixth house of your birth chart and all these planets may give you health problems. There are chances that you may get an injury or a vehicle accident or physical problems may also occur. You have to stay careful and be aware of these problems. By doing this and by consulting a doctor you will be protected and will lead a healthy and good life.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations

According to the July Monthly Horoscope 2024, if you are in a love relationship, Mars in the fifth house can make you madly in love, that is, you will be ready to do anything at any cost for your beloved. This will increase impatience in you due to which you will like to do something in a hurry. But things go wrong in a hurry and the same can happen to you due to which you may have to become a victim of your loved one's anger. And despite this time being good in love, it can also give some problems. Therefore you should be a little careful. On July 12th, when Mars moves to the sixth house and will make a conjunction with Jupiter there, you will get the support of some good scholars who will guide you in the right way and you will be successful in taking your love life forward in a balanced manner. Planet Saturn’s aspect will also remain on Planet Mars due to which you will have to take care of your love life. Talking about married people, Mercury, the lord of the seventh house, will be present in the eighth house in the first half of the month, which shows some problems in your relationship. Mars will also have an aspect on Mercury, which may increase stress in your family life and may lead to arguments with your spouse. There may also be a decline in their health, but Planet Venus, being in the seventh house, will also bring moments of romanticism between you both, which will save your relationship from time to time. But due to being in the seventh house, ego conflicts will also occur from time to time, thus some problems may persist. On 7th July, when Planet Sun along with Mercury will transit in the eighth house of your birth chart will increase these problems and conditions of stress and problems may be created. But, on 19th July, they will leave from here and will enter the ninth house of your birth chart and will escape you out from these problems. You may go for a long journey with your life partner somewhere, you will give time to each other and will make yourself good.

Family & Friends

There are chances that this month will be full of ups-and-downs from a family perspective.The lord of the second house Planet Saturn will remain present in the third house, due to which you may spend your money on the needs of your siblings. Your relationships with them will stay sweet and their support will also be there with you and they will move forward with your braveness and might. They will help you in making progress. Financial Challenges will bother you in the family way, because there will be decrease in the earning of the family, the lord of the Fourth house Jupiter will remain present in the fourth house for the whole month and Rahu will also be present in the fourth house. As a result, the health of your mother may get affected and you have to take care of her health. Father's health will also be affected due to tenth house lord Mercury being in the eighth house, but later when Mercury will enter your ninth house on the 19th, father will get health benefits and the family atmosphere will gradually improve. Still, due to Rahu and Ketu occupying the fourth and tenth houses, there may be some problems in family life. Due to which the mind will be uneasy and you will not feel satisfied. But you should constantly try your best to make the atmosphere at home good.


You should put Tilak made of Pure Saffron or Turmeric on your forehead every day. Worship a Banana tree on Thursday and offer water to a Peepal (Eucalyptus) tree without touching it. You should donate Black Sesame to a temple on Wednesday. You should feed the Holy Mother Cow with the whole Moong with both your hands on Wednesday.

Click here to read Sagittarius 2025 Horoscope

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