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Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope


This month will be favorable to some extent for the natives of Capricorn and you may get good results in different areas of your life according to the July Monthly Horoscope 2024. This month your confidence will be strong and due to the strength of it you would be able to face all the challenges. By sidelining the challenges, you will achieve good success. Talking about your health, then the lord of your zodiac sign Planet Saturn will remain present in the retrograde position in the second house of his own zodiac sign. Due to which, you may get small health problems due to changes in weather. However, there are no chances of any big health problems. There may be some ups-and-downs in family life, any member of the family, especially your mother may get bothered by some health-related and behavior-related problems, so you must take special care of her. The love relationships will be favorable and you will get a chance to make a step forward in your love. Good situations will be created in your married life. This month will be favorable from the career point-of view and you will get a chance to showcase your talent and upon the strength of your efficient working skills, you will achieve a good situation in your job. Your business will also prosper. You will like to take new risks and you will benefit from it. You will get a chance to make small trips and spend time with your friends. Students will get favorable results in their education. You may also get successful in going abroad and you can receive some good news from a foreign country


According to the Monthly Horoscope 2024, this month is showing favorable results from your career point of view. At the beginning of the month, the lord of the tenth house, Planet Venus, will be placed in your sixth house along with the Sun, which will reduce your difficulties. Your opponents will raise their heads from time to time, but with the grace of the satellites, you will crush them and you will not let them harm you with even a single move. Due to which they will be shocked and frustrated and you will remain strong in your work, you will have dominance in the workplace and you will be able to improve your position in the job. On July 7, Venus will enter your seventh house, where Planet Mercury will be already present. Sun will also enter this house on 16th July. This will give you a chance to do your work more efficiently in the workplace. Your authority may increase and you may also get some good support for promotion in the job. Mercury, the lord of the sixth house, will be in the seventh house at the beginning of the month which will help you in increasing your efforts. The support of your family will also help you in becoming successful in your work. On July 19, Mercury will enter the eighth house, so you will focus on working harder. While working hard, take care of your body but your hard work will be successful and your position in the job will be strong. As far as business is concerned, Planet Mercury will remain present in the seventh house of your birth chart in the month. Due to this, your business will grow and your business intellect will develop. You will make some activities and will make some new plans. Your cordial relations with your business partners are going to be the main reason for the progress of your business. In the second half of the month, Planet Mars will remain in the Aries zodiac and will aspect on the seventh house of your birth chart and Planet Mercury with its fourth aspect. Due to this, you should avoid saying something wrong to anyone related to your business because the situation may get spoiled due to this. If you will focus on this thing, then none of the challenges can bother you.


If we look at your financial situation, this month can prove to be a month giving mixed results. At the beginning of the month, Planet Saturn will be present in the house of wealth accumulation, which will completely help you in accumulating wealth. Your wealth will increase. The money deposited in the bank will get good interest and you will gain money. Planet Jupiter,will aspect an ideal house, and will contribute day by day in increasing your income. Planet Rahu staying in the third house will give you good success by taking risks in business. Planet Mars sitting in the fourth house can give benefits from property and can also provide profit from property, which means you can also buy a new property. Planet Mars’s aspect on the eleventh house of his own zodiac will make conditions of financial gains. Planet Sun and Venus will aspect on the twelfth house by sitting in the sixth house in the first half of the month due to which some expenses may happen, but in the second half of the month, Sun and Venus will also transit in the seventh house of your birth chart due to which these expenses can be controlled to some extent. Planet Mercury will transit into the eighth house and Planet Venus will also transit into the eighth house of your birth chart due to which conditions may be created for some secret expenses. Then also, your financial condition is strongly expected to remain favorable, good, and strong. If you wish to earn some money from the Share Market, the second half of the month will help you.


This month is expected to remain favorable with respect to the health point-of-view because Planet Saturn will be in a dominant position and will grant you health benefits. Rahu in the third house will also make you energetic. Planet Sun present in the sixth house will make you efficient in fighting diseases. But, the presence of Venus in the sixth house may give some small problems. After that, the movement of the Planet Mercury in the eighth house of your birth chart can give some skin-related problems. Take precaution and be careful about these problems and change in weather may affect your health. You must make efforts to avoid these problems. You may remain healthy as there are no chances of any big health problem to occur. Your protection is in your hands and this time is better to start a new daily routine due to which you will keep yourself full of energy and fresh.

Love/Marriage/Personal Relations

If you are in a love relationship, then this month will prove to be a month in which your love will increase. Planet Jupiter will stay in the fifth house and will protect your love. He will make you responsible toward your love and he will try to increase the truthfulness, honesty, and purity in your love. An emotion will take birth in your mind that whoever you love, they are ideal for you and you have to think and take care about them. This will make your relationship even more mature. The lord of the Fifth house Planet Venus will remain present in the sixth house of your birth chart and planet Sun will also remain present there. Due to this, Therefore, some sense of ego may creep into the nature of your beloved. If this happens, it may cause conflict between the two of you for some time. Even though Planet Jupiter may try to take control, due to this there may be some distance in the relationship between you two, try to avoid this. In the latter half of the month, when Venus will move to the seventh house from July 7th, you will get relief from these problems. Love feelings will increase and you can propose marriage to your beloved. There are also chances of you getting married, which will happen as per your choice. Talking about married people, Mercury will be present in the seventh house throughout the month, which will help in increasing good communication skills in your relationship. You will be able to express your feelings openly to each other. There may be arguments from time to time, which may lead to verbal spats and ego clashes. There is a possibility of increase in ego conflicts due to Sun entering the seventh house on July 16. Which can increase tension in your married life. Venus will also remain in the seventh house from July 7 and Mercury will move to the eighth house from July 19. This will reduce these problems to some extent and will also increase romanticism in your relationship. Which will gradually get you out of these problems. You will win back your spouse with your love, affection and sense of belonging and your married life will continue to progress happily.

Family & Friends

This month will give mixed results in terms of family matters. The lord of the second house Planet Saturn will remain present in the second house but it will be in a retrograde position due to which there will be unity in the family. You will say some words which will be clear and true but they will be bitter and no one likes to hear bitter words. But although those words will be true, it will spoil the atmosphere of the family. The aspect of the retrograde Saturn will be on the fourth house where Mars of his own zodiac will be present. Due to this, changes may occur in the health of your mother. Her health may suffer. Her behavior may also become irritating. In this situation, take care of her and take care of her health. You will get success in the matters of land and property. You can build your own house or you can renovate your old house. The support of your father will remain with you and the presence of Rahu in the third house will continue the affection with your siblings but your siblings may become temperamental. They will do whatever they wish and whenever they wish. But, they are your siblings and they are made for you and if you help them, then affection will be maintained between you and them. A good balance will be maintained between you , your siblings, and your friends. Despite some upheavals in the family life, love will sustain due to which your family life will continue to run in a smooth manner.


You should worship Lord Vishnu daily. Also, worship Goddess Lakshmi with him. Establish a high quality ‘Shree Yantra’ and worship it regularly. Keep a Yellow colored Handkerchief in your pocket. Chant Goddess Durga’s ‘Krishna Mantra’.

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